Friday, May 31, 2019
Feminist Perspective on Eighteenth Century Literature Essay -- feminis
Feminist Perspective on Eighteenth Century Literature Feminism during the ordinal coke has come to be defined by the writings of the time. Women, who did non have as many outlets as they do today, expressed their political opinions through literature itself. Although feminist texts existed before the end of the century, women writers in the final decade were seen as more threatening to the dominant patriarchal system. Following the overthrow of the government in France, women in Britain believed that a revolution in sentiments, manners, and moral opinions was possible in their own country (5). Writers such as Mary Wollstonecraft reacted to the conservative patriarchal community by drawing parallels between the domestic and the political, between the private and the public, in their fiction (155). While all women did not attempt to reconstruct the gender roles of her time, the women who sought to get back the positions of men and women were labeled as monstrous or unsexed. M ale authors of the late eighteenth century saw the patriarchal hereditary government as dictatorial and viewed Kings as animals. Writers such as Tom Paine, William Godwin, Thomas Holcroft, and Robert Bage believed reason should decide issues of human affairs, not power based on money, age, rank, sex, or physical saturation (10). Men also saw the mishap of a revolution but only in terms of class structure. Although most male authors were sympathetic to the operate of women, they recognized the need to minimize class distinctions as more important than gender. Nevertheless, male appeals to humanity ironically inspired and became models for revolutionary women writers. Women writers later adopted this vehemence on individual abilities r... ...ewed women as naturally subordinate to men, women writers attempted to challenge this ideology and assert the need for change. The revolution in France, and the belief in the possibility of Britains own revolution, led some women to adopt in appropriate outspoken tactics. However, these radical women were given derogatory labels which ultimately prevented other writers from directly challenges the system. Nevertheless, women writers during the final decade of the eighteenth century politicized the domestic or sentimental novel in response to oppression and exclusion. In their fiction they challenged the roles of women in education and in the household. While they were not tremendously successful, the women of this time made recognizable to the public the importance of changing the role of women in society, and provided an impetus for the entire feminist movement.
On Feminism and Postmodernism Essay -- Feminist Sociology Essays
On Feminism and Postmodernism It seems fitting that the marriage of womens liberation movement and postmodernism is one fraught with some(prenominal) difference and argument. The fact that these disagreements occur within the realm of the intellectual undoubtedly puts a wry smile on the face of either party. While feminism and postmodernism share several characteristics, most notably the deconstruction of the masculinised western ideology, feminism chooses to place itself within the absolutism of the modernist movement. While feminism argues for the continuation of the subject/ inclination dichotomy, driveing largely to reverse the feminine position of the latter to the former, postmodernism would have the modernist movement deconstructed in its entirety, including all such metanarratives.Postmodernism also champions the fragmented self, the idea of a one(a) whole existing only within a fictitious reality. This idea is one which feminism has taken up in recent years. In this era of postfeminism, bracing passs are being sought to spread the ideals of feminism and the potential of possible vehicles, such mass media, are being realised. However, when using mass media, such as television, in such a fashion, the intellectualizations of the highbrow modernist/feminist movements have been largely stripped away, leaving little but an easily digestible skeletal foundation. The aim of such a method is to target a younger demographic than traditional critique would usually focus upon. The television program Buffy the Vampire grampus is such a vehicle, presenting feminism in a postmodern form for the masses. While this works to reveal an acceptable, albeit feminist, perspective of gender and identity, following such an avenue problematises both feminism and ... ...Vampires, Postmodernity and Postfeminism Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Journal of Popular Film and Television, vol. 27, no. 2, Summer 1999, pp 24 - 31.Vint, Sherryl, Killing us Softly? A Feminist calculate for the Real Buffy, Slayage, The On-line International Journey of Buffy Studies, http//, accessed 15/4/2002, 9.05 am. Whedon, Joss, Audio Commentary Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season One, Welcome to the Hellmouth & The Harvest DVD, 2001. Wilkinson, Sue ed., Feminist favorable Psychologies International Perspectives, Open Universities Press, Buckingham, 1996. Filmography Smith, Charles Martin, Welcome to the Hellmouth, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode 1.1, 1997. Kretchmer, John T., The Harvest, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode 1.2, 1997.Whedon, Joss, The Gift, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode 5.22, 2001.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Social Norms :: Sociology
Lately the concept of societal norms, common rules of behaviors, has engaged the absorb of a numerous philosophers, who are concerned with understanding the rational actors behavior. Kennedy and Brown addresses the concern from different aspects, they are commonly disturbed by the same social norm questions, specifically in the theory of human behavior development that is significant to the construction of legal institutions. In their endeavor to account for social norms they twain argue that Human Rights pose challenges for administration. This is far from absolute, Human Rights in a way, present difficulties to politics but it is in fact social norms which pose the most critical problem for politics. At the same time social norms seem to decipher the complications of human rights they construct a particular problem for politics because they take care to manipulate laws that govern social norms for their own personal use. Theorist challenge the thinking of these such norm com pliances to explain a principle that people unendingly act in their own self-interest, to maximize the greediness of their social power. Moreover, Human Rights in this situation are described at presents as a mutual exploited problem. Such as institutional practice of human rights promotion propagates an unduly abstract idea about people, politics and society (Kennedy p111). Because of these general expectations, politics can simply construct this space of lawlessness to circumvent and established social norm traditions. The avoiding of certain taboo like deploying nuclear weapons or lite the waiters falls into this complicity that society follows. This brings up the rational choice of individuals actions. Which is why social norms would sanction governments or people for violating this paradigm of language whitethorn well establish our legitimacy within a legal framework (Butler p25) and the particular vocabulary (Kennedy p111), something we know occurs regularly in Human Rights language to be used to create this lawlessness that pose problems for politics. The eruption of criticism to politics that violation Human Rights language is rapidly eclipsed by potential threats of counsel to problems of dexterous dishonesty (Brown p461) which invokes norms instinctively to questions that transpires. In this context of challenging the expectations of rational political institutions choice bring forth how social norm beseech and occasionally govern or deceive individuals. For example in the War on Terrorism and Guantanamo Bay, President Bush pushes for a preemptive strike as a legitimize sanction of Human Rights and social norms reactions for security.
Steroid Use By Athletes Should be Banned :: Argumentative Persuasive Steroids Essays
It is amazing what athletes will do to achieve higher levels of carrying into action and to sometimes get the extra edge on the competition. Most of the time people do non realize the long-term effects that result from the decisions they guess early in life. This resembles the use of steroids in a persons life.Steroids became an option to athletes in the Olympics and other major sporting events during the 1950s. But this use of steroids among athletes single became widely app arent when Canadian sprint runner Ben Johnson tested positive for steroid use after winning the gold medal for the one hundred-meter bolt of lightning during the 1988 Olympics (Francis, 45). Now a skinny fifteen-year-old finish just walk down to the local gym and find people who either sell or cut how to get in contact with those who sell the drug that will make him envious of his friends. Steroids are an attractive drug. While steroids seem harmless to the unaware user, they can prevail a risky effect. Most of the time whether the users are new or experienced, they do non know the dangerous consequences steroids can have on their bodies and their minds. Though steroids cause a relatively insignificant number of deaths in our society, the banning of steroids is justified because steroids have a lot of side effects not known to the uninformed user.Even though steroids are known as a somewhat dangerous substance, they are legal to have and to consume. There has not been a study that proves such possible side effects are linked to medical problems of steroid users (Rogak, 89). There are those who have pointed out some(prenominal) cases where someone has died and an autopsy has shown that the person was using steroids, but they claim this does not mean that it is a deadly drug as some medical professionals have stated (97). Some advocates of steroids believe that because steroids are legal, and because it is the decision of the user to take the drug, steroids are not causing a proble m in society. Alcohol and cigarettes are consumed by millions of people, causing a lot of deteriorating effects on their bodies, but there has never been a ban on these items because of the dangers that they can cause. Why should steroids be different? Some people say that the wide spread use of steroids among athletes is forcing the young athletes to use steroids, even though it is against their standards.
Macbeth - Character Changes :: essays research papers
"This dead preciselycher and his fiend like queen", is the manner in which Malcolm describes Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Describe the way in which these two characters changed during the course of the play.At the beginning of the play Macbeth is seen as a courageous soldier who is loyal to the King but is corrupted from the witches prophecies and by his and Lady Macbeths ambition. This is because of the weakness of Macbeths character and the strong power of Lady Macbeth and how she is easily able to influence him. Her strength motivates him at the start but after he realises what he has done it is himself that continues in his murderous, bloody path. At the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth appears as a kind wife of Macbeths but underneath lies a scheming and treacherous woman.In the beginning of the play Macbeth is a strong soldier who fights for the King without mercy but his touch for ambition and his curious nature leads him to the witches who give him a prophecy. Banq uo realises that there must be a trick hidden in the witches prophecies somewhere but Macbeth refuses to guide that, and when Lady Macbeth finds out about the witches her strong desire for ambition and her cold nature leads Macbeth astray. Macbeth is a little ambitious at first, but Lady Macbeths far exceeds his and so she is able to get Macbeth to agree with her to kill King Duncan. Macbeth still has a conscience at this stage because he is very hesitant about killing the King but his weak nature over comes him. He has a conscience throughout the entire play as this is seen by the hallucinations of the dagger and the ghost of Banquo and his vivid imagination and his constant worry also provokes him. This is also evident in his terrible dreams which gives the solid theme that he has hence "murdered sleep".Throughout the play we see the character of Macbeth change not from just the way he thinks and what we hear from the play, but from the actions he takes in the play, fro m killing Banquo, then having Lady Macduff and her children murdered, shows the insecurity that was present in Macbeth. After the murder of Duncan Macbeth becomes paranoid and his first step of killing the guards is one of many that Macbeth takes to near himself.
The Somalian Child :: essays papers
The Somalian Child There is a child from Somalia, with an old mans face, sitting in the corner of the lounge room. He mustiness have come out of the television set at whatever time this evening. Its New Years Eve, and all the stations have been playing condensed highlights of the year -- so m some(prenominal) images of poverty and diseases and war from around the globe. Trying to cram so much human misery into a few short hours, its no wonder, really, that something overflowed. He sits there, huddled in a ball, like a tiny wizened dwarf, behind the corner lounge chair. I dont know when he came out. It could have been any time. The television has been on for a long time. His face is blank. An old man on a childs stick body. I pretend hes not there, of course, and go into the kitchen to pip a snack. I am about to bring it back into the lounge room, until I think better of it, and eat it in the kitchen. When I get back, hes electrostatic there. Its just as well that I had planned for a quiet New Years and hadnt invited anybody over, because he smells a bit too. You dont get that when theyre on the TV, but its a smell of old dried cow dung and other things Ive never smelled before. The television is still on, and its still showing news highlights. There argon scenes from some civil war in the former Soviet Union. Just to be on the safe side, I turn the channel to an American sit-com. There are some gorgeous looking ladies sitting around a dinner table making risque jokes. Not much chance of having one of them fall out in my lounge room, I ponder. Not in real life. Theyre only actresses. I steal a glance at the Somalian -- but he doesnt seem interested in the show. I stay there watching until the show ends, then the news comes on. Its another highlights of the year program. Naturally. A well-groomed news reader says, rather pompously, Hemingway sat in the Hotel Florida in Spain and wrote passionately about the blood being spilled in the stre ets below, trying to convey the idealism with which people were fighting and dying.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Flirting and Courting Rituals of The Victorian Era :: Victorian Era
Flirting and Courting Rituals of The niminy-piminy EraIn square-toed society greeting rituals were grade into effect to keep the young ladies pure and the gentlemen confused. Courting usually began at balls and dances where young girls were first introduced into society during their coming out. At every gathering of Victorian society the young ladies were chaperoned by their mothers or some other married woman so that nothing improper would happen that could ruin the young ladys report in society. The young ladies and gentlemen at the dances and balls were introduced through a third party and their Christian names were prohibited from being used because it would have been to forward and improper. later on placing their name on the dance card of the young lady they could then proceed to dance no to a greater extent then three dances because any more then that would be inappropriate in Victorian society. After this formal introduction the gentleman would give the young lady his c ard to remember him by and at the end of the evening the young lady would look through her cards to see which gentleman she would allow to court her (Powell). She would give the gentleman consent to court her by giving that gentleman her card and the right to call on her at her home where the courtship must take place.In Victorian society there were certain criteria that each party followed to find the perfect suitor. If they followed these rules to pick their mate their personal shortcomings would balance out when they married. Certain criteria consisted of not marrying a person with the same eye color as yourself, marrying someone that was opposite of you in physical and mental characteristics, and marry someone with straight or thicker whisker if your hair was curly or thin (Finding 2). After a suitable suitor is chosen and the young lady and the gentleman begin to court certain rules must be followed. These rules were in place to keep the ladies pure until marriage. The courti ng couple always had to be chaperoned, the couple needed permission to go out during the day, the gentleman could never stay late at the young ladys house, he could never call without permission and the young lady had to say sayonara at the parlor door (Love 21).Because Victorian society was repressive towards true emotion, gentlemen and their ladies could not publicly express their love for one another.
Secondhand Smoke :: Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays
How Secondhand Smoking Affects UsAs most of you know, smoking is bad for your health, but what some of you efficacy not know is that you dont actually have to smoke to be harmed by smoking. Lung cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women, is chiefly caused by cigarette smoking. Secondhand smoking causes approximately 2 percent of lung cancer deaths each y spindle. It causes respiratory disease, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), middle ear disease, and asthma attacks in children. Imagine a room full of young, healthy second-graders with a Joe Camel cigarette in their hand, smoking that is basically what secondhand smoking is like. It has nephrotoxic and carcinogenic effects that are practically the same as smoking a cigarette. Children from birth to 2 years of age are especially undefendable to secondhand smoke because their lungs are not fully developed. The EPA estimates that secondhand smoking is responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 lower re spitory infections in infants and children under 18 months of age yearly, which consequence in between 7,500 and 15,000 hospitalizations each year. Children exposed to secondhand smoke are also more likely to have reduced lung function and symptoms like coughing, supererogatory phlegm, and wheezing. Secondhand smoking can lead to a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, the most common cause of hospitalized children for an operation. Asthmatic children are especially at risk. Exposure to secondhand smoke increases the number of episodes and severity of symptoms in hundreds of thousands of asthmatic children. Between 200,000 and 1,000,000 asthmatic children have their condition worsened by secondhand smoke.
Rebellion in China around 1900 :: essays research papers
Around 1900, after manyyears of succumbing to the superior military of the West, theChinese stood up for their country. China was a weak,backwards, country, exploited by the West. They felt thatthey could counter the foreign domination, but reforms wereuseless because they needed the West to help with thereforms. But something sparked their confidence, and theybelieved themselves to be suitable to conquer any foreignpower. This spark was the Society of Harmonious Fists,commonly known as "Boxers." Combined with unhappy wad, and new weapons technology, the Chinese rebelledagainst the foreign powers. The prototypic reason of thisconfidence was the Boxer Society, which formed in NorthChina after the Sino-Japanese war, but wasnt well knownuntil 1898 in Shantung. This organization was actually a cult,following strange and absurd practices of defense. It had nocentral leaders, and the practices varied in differentlocations. Their goal was to rid China of the foreign menace.The t runks were different from nearly other rebels of theirtime. They would conduct public physical exercises thatwere supposed to make a magical shield to value oneagainst foreign bullets and shells. These looked similar to aboxers training exercises so the westerners nicknamed themembers of the Society of Harmonious Fists "Boxers."Rather then using foreign weapons, they relied on magicalspirits and swords, knives, staves, and polearms to drive theforeign devils from their precious space country. Themembership of this group consisted of mostly the criminals,poor, and illiterate of China who wore a simple uniformconsisting of a red armband, sash, or waistcloth. Thesepeople truly believed that magic would protect them, andhelp remove the foreigners from China. That gave themenough confidence to try to destroy the foreigners.Missionaries were killed, railroads were destroyed, andchurches were burned all in the name of independence fromforeign rule. Another key boldness in the r ebellions against thewest was a series of natural disasters that swept Chinaduring the last decade of the nineteenth century. Faminestruck, droughts prevented the planting of crops, and to topit all, the Yellow river flooded, cause the destruction of1,500 villages and 2,500 square miles of countryside. Thesedisaster lead to unhappiness of the people. In order to keepthem from turning on the government, the DowagerEmpress, Tsu Hsi, encouraged the peasants to rebel againstthe foreigners. Some of these angry people joined theBoxers, and others rebelled alone, but they had the Empressbehind them, giving them encouragement, and making themfeel ready to take on the demons from the West. The thirdreason that the Chinese felt ready to feeling the West, was a
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay example --
Ever since I was a child, I absorb been fascinated by science and have had a great inspiration for learning. You understand something completely when you see it this is how I grew up with the passion for machines. I perused a extend in Sandwich Mechanical program at PSG College of Technology, which is rated by the All India Council for Technical Education as the best industry linked college for Mechanical Engineering in India .The specialty of this course is that it integrates course work and industrial training which has given me ample hands on work.The curriculum was diverse and it provided me an opportunity to explore various avenues in the domain. Through the course of my college life, I have worked in several areas to realize nexus between engineering and statistics. In my third year when I took a course titled Statistics and Quality construe, I found myself being drawn very much towards the realm of numbers and their diversified applications. This interest drove me to an e xtent that I completed an online edX course in Introduction to Statistics Descriptive Statistics, a course of study offered by BerkeleyX. Manufacturing continues to have become a commodity within the value chain and instantaneously the fact is indisputable. After some research and discussion with my Professors, I concluded that, higher the rate of manufacturing commoditization, greater the focus on optimization, which drives down product costs. Hence, I decided that Lean manufacturing would be the area where I want to work on.To understand the real life application of concepts, I attended a cardinal week training programme at Larsen &Toubro, Pune. I worked with the design and manufacturing department responsible for developing modular bridges for army purposes. It wa... ...ply chain, lean manufacturing by itself is nonenough for success and needs to be complimented with Six Sigma to address the causes ofvariability. The detailed study of Operations Research, Lean Manufacturing, ManufacturingSystems Design and Supply chain management has helped me realize the scenario better.Leaner the system, the more susceptible it is to exceptions.I would like to work as a corporate leader in future, specializing in product development andmanagement. . My immediate goal is to equip myself with the knowledge and the necessary skillrequired for an entrepreneur or smart manufacturing process. My long term career plan is to heada group of managers and directors who are as motivated and passionate as I, in an entrepreneurialsetting, and to work on technologies and businesses that radically change the life of millions ofpeople near the globe.
Essay example --
Ever since I was a child, I have been interest by science and have had a great enthusiasm for learning. You understand something completely when you see it this is how I grew up with the passion for machines. I perused a rush in Sandwich Mechanical program at PSG College of Technology, which is countd by the All India Council for Technical Education as the best industry linked college for Mechanical engineering science in India .The specialty of this course is that it integrates course study and industrial training which has given me ample hands on work.The curriculum was diverse and it provided me an opportunity to explore various avenues in the domain. Through the course of my college life, I have worked in several areas to palpableize nexus between engineering and statistics. In my third form when I took a course titled Statistics and Quality Control, I found myself being drawn very much towards the realm of numbers and their alter applications. This interest drove me to an extent that I completed an online edX course in Introduction to Statistics Descriptive Statistics, a course of study offered by BerkeleyX. Manufacturing continues to have bring a commodity within the value chain and now the fact is indisputable. After some research and discussion with my Professors, I concluded that, higher the rate of manufacturing commoditization, greater the focus on optimization, which drives down product costs. Hence, I decided that Lean manufacturing would be the area where I want to work on.To understand the real life application of concepts, I attended a two week training programme at Larsen &Toubro, Pune. I worked with the design and manufacturing department responsible for maturation modular bridges for army purposes. It wa... ...ply chain, lean manufacturing by itself is notenough for success and needs to be complimented with Six Sigma to address the causes ofvariability. The detailed study of operations Research, Lean Manufacturing, ManufacturingS ystems Design and Supply chain management has helped me visualize the scenario better.Leaner the system, the more susceptible it is to exceptions.I would like to work as a corporate leader in future, specializing in product development andmanagement. . My immediate goal is to equip myself with the knowledge and the necessary skillrequired for an entrepreneur or brisk manufacturing process. My long term career plan is to heada group of managers and directors who are as motivated and passionate as I, in an entrepreneurialsetting, and to work on technologies and businesses that radically change the life of millions ofpeople around the globe.
Forensic Evidence is Vital to Criminal Investigations Essay -- Forensi
At every offence scene there is evidence and evidence is the vital part of crime scene investigation. From the time an officer arrives on the scene until a conviction of the perpetrator evidence is the key element in determining the guilt or innocence of those accused. A poorly conducted crime scene investigation can sometimes either destroy evidence or render it useless. The possibility of taint evidence, miss-handled evidence, or lack of evidence, the guilty can go free or the wrongful convicted. When someone is convicted or acquitted wrongly it has an adverse effect on the entire criminal justice system.Evidence can range from body fluids, to weapons, to witnesses and DNA. Understanding and implementing the proper logistics of crime evidence and the proper use of forensic engineering is the key. Evidence can not only establish the facts of an offense and identify the offender it may even lead to a conviction. A Crime image Investigator must first approach the crime scene as if it is their only opportunity to protect and retrieve physical evidence. There are picky technics and tools that crime scene investigators use to retrieve, preserve, and label all types of evidence (for lists of Crime Scene Equipment see Appendix A). The general protocol for crime scene investigation, processing, and analytic thinking involves five basic steps interview, examine, photograph, sketch and process (Berg, 2008). When looking at the crime scene it needs to be looked at with fresh eyes and without a prejudiced opinion of what happened, how it happened, or who might have done it. A conclusion may be based solely on the evidence and so an investigators integrity and judgment, gathering the evidence, maybe what stands between a conviction and a dis... ...National Institute of Justice. (2007, October). Forensic Databases Paint, Shoe Prints and Beyond. Retrieved March 3, 2012, from NIJ Journal No. 258 http// northerly Carolin a General Assembly. (n.d.). Admissibility of Forensic Evidence. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Article 7 C .8 58.20 http// Carolina General Assembly. (n.d.). Evidence Code Article 1. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Chapter 8c-1. http// Carolina separate Bureau of Investigation. (2010, January). Evidence Guide. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from http//, L. J. (2011). Criminal Justice. Belmont Wadsworth.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Describe Two Opposite People
Describe two opposite lot In the small community of Culmersville there are only two adults that I could pretermit time with and never be bored. One of which was a kind lady by the touch on of Ms. Kelly and the other was the funniest man in the world by the name of Mr. force. Ms. Kelly is a kind person. She always teaches me to help those people who are in need and she also never got tired of helping others. For example, one of my friends family financial situation wasnt so good and therefore Ms.Kelly buys him breakfast almost every morning. She hopes that he will not feel hungry during the naturalise time and knows it can help him to concentrate in his studies. Ms. Kelly is also a sympathetic lady. Although she was not high-educated, she always teaches her kids and me to help other people. During weekends she would visit the Childrens youth hostel and help the workers to teach and feed the children. She also always invites me and my family to be a volunteer and join her to do s ocial works.On the other hand Mr. business leader was the complete opposite. He was an electrician and one of the most selfish people I knew. Mr. King would nurse two bottles of water and would rather throw a bottle of water in the garbage or put it in his car before he would give it to you. But yet I lay out Mr. King to be a funny man and spent lots of time with him playing dominoes. I had the best relationship with Mr. King in Culmersville. This likely was because I never asked him for anything. But Ms. Kelly and Mr.King was the worst of friends. I would call them enemies. All of this started when Ms. Kelly asked Mr. King to donate some of his funds to the Childrens Hostel. Mr. King could have told her a simple no but he loudly told Ms. King, if you dont get off my property talking foolishness about donating capital I would throw you off myself. This was where the commotion started. Ms. Kelly then asked, Do you call homeless children foolishness? Mr. King then said, The chil dren arent the foolishness.You are. Mr. King then slammed the limen in Ms. Kellys face like she was coming to rob his house. Ever since this day every time Ms. Kelly sees Mr. King she would start pointing fingers at him telling people he hate homeless children and unfortunate people. These are the two people that thought me that people with opposite personalities would never be able to be together. But, although Ms. Kelly and Mr. King are two completely opposite people I enjoy being with either of them.
Bat Case Report
Executive Summary lam is a technology that sells financial software to individuals and organizations. BATs success had attracted a number of competitors. BAT differentiated itself by committing to unbosom tech support for the life of the product. BAT started its call center operations in 1987 with 6 technicians which grew to over a 100 technicians by 2002. However, the call center has been to a lower place pressure in terms of long delay multiplication for customers. Such poor service was beginning to take its toll on the comp any(prenominal)s reputation.We recommend that BAT should implement the strong give chase scheme in order to correct customer service and the companys bottom line. We understand that free technical support is BATs nurture proposition and central to its business model, and we allow for show with our analysis why this is the best approach to follow. Qualitatively, 1. BAT will still maintain free support with Fast Track. Fast track will only create mark et segmentation. Customers on top of the market pyramid who are readily uncoerced to pay can be tapped. . Fast Track will convert the call center from a cost center into a profit center. With the revenue being gene tempod out of Fast Track calls, BAT can staff the call center with to a greater extent technicians to improve service levels for standard callers. Current office staff BOP Team 1 is consists of 8 customer service technicians and the arriver rate of customers is 22. 5 customers/hour. The comely time to deal with one customer is 18. 2 minutes. Therefore, the service rate capacity per technician is 3. 2967 customers/hour.After running the Steady-State, Infinite Capacity Queues model, the average waiting time of customers is 0. 14979 hour, which equals to about 9 minutes and there will be in average 3. 37 customers waiting in the queue. Please refer to addendum 1 for details. Since the arrival rate and the service capacity rate cannot be shortened, increasing number of technician is the only way to shorten the average waiting time down to less than 1 minute. We ran the model again by adding more technicians one by one, and we found that the average waiting time decrease down to about half minutes at 11 technicians.Please refer to Appendix 2 for details. Fast Track We considered different staffing plans and ran Queuing Macro for average wait time. We considered adding servers and keeping one queue, and other scenarios with dedicated Fast Track Servers. We ran Queuing Macro under five different staffing scenarios (Please note that we have dedicated Fast track servers in Scenarios 4 and 5) Scenario No No of Standard Servers No of Fast Track Servers 1 8 0 2 9 0 3 10 0 4 7 1 5 7 3 The following results were observedRefer to Appendix 3 for spreadsheet calculations. As observed in the data, Scenario 2 and 3 succeed in keeping Average waiting for track customers to less than 1 minute. Scenario 2 uses less number of resources. Scenario 2 (9 technicians) is the best staffing level, without dedicated servers for Fast Track. Economics of Fast Track Weve now completed that Scenario 2 and 3 keep average wait time to less than 1 minute to help meet the Fast Track Guarantee. In Scenario2, The average server utilization is 75%, which is an adequate level.The additional yearly gain revenue that can be obtained ranges from $54,325 to $376,300 depending if 10% or 40% of customers become Fast Track customers. In Scenario 3, The average server utilization is 68%, which is not as good as in the previous scenario. The additional yearly dinero revenue that can be obtained is also less attractive, ranging from $1,325 to $323,300. Also considering a scenario where we keep 11 technicians, The average server utilization decreases to 62%. The additional net revenue/loss that can be obtained per year is now not so attractive, ranging from a net loss of 51,675 to a net revenue of $270,300. Scenario 2 (9 Servers) offers the best revenue opportunities. Fr ee Service for Fast customers waiting over 1 minute. We did some simulations to see what happens if BAT offers Fast Track service, charging $2 / minute, but giving the service for free if the customer waits over 1 minute. According to the Queuing macro, with 1 additional server there is a 30. 7% chance that any given customer (whether Fast Track or Standard) will wait more than 1 minute.Considering that 10% of these customers are Fast Track individuals, we obtain an arrival rate of 30. 7% * 10% * 22. 5 customers/hr = 0. 69 customers / hr. On the other hand, considering that 40% of customers are Fast Track individuals, we obtain an arrival rate of 30. 7% * 40% * 22. 5 customers/hr = 2. 7 customers / hr This means that, on average, the number of Fast Track customers who will wait over 1 minute ranges from 0. 69 / hr to 2. 7 / hr. In other words, roughly anywhere from 1 to 3 Fast Track customers per hour will be waived from the Fast Track fee.As seen on Appendix xxxxx (Table 4), this r epresents a loss of annual revenue ranging between $2,197 and $8,786. However, despite declines in revenue, this fee-waiver pickax will surely improve customers experience and customer loyalty. Therefore, we recommend Scenario 2 (hiring 1 additional server) in order to implement Fast Track, charging $2 / minute and including the fee-waiver woof if waiting time exceeds 1 minute. Service Contracts vs Pay per call There are several aspects to consider when deciding if BAT should offer service contracts or just pay-per-call.Firstly, offer charged technician support goes against BATs original value proposition, however, pay-per-call maintained free service option. Also, pay-per-call could differentiate itself from the industry norm. It is easier for customers to accept. BAT has been offering free technician service to support its product since the founding of the company. Free technician support is part of BATs value proposition to customers. While charging pay-per-call service is alr eady deviating from BATs core value, following the industry norm to offer service contracts could negatively impact the value proposition of BAT.Secondly, offer service contracts implore higher investment caused by increased volume of customer calls. With pay-per-call service, customer will only call technician support when they are encountering problems that are urgent and customer can not only solve by themselves in a timely fashion. And since the call is charged on the minute basis, customers are more belike to keep the call short. Whereas, with service contracts, customers could call technician support with any question, and tend to stay on the line longer that they actually need to.There will be an increase of number of phone calls if BAT decides to offer service contracts. The increase of number of phone calls and prolonged time for each phone call will require BAT to invest heavily in terms of human resource and training. Overall, in terms of economic value and flexibility in operation, the Pay-per-call option is more preferable than service contracts. Pay-per-call requires less investment in human resource and training, also it has the flexibility to not charge customer, if their waiting time exceeds 1 minute.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Information systems of business Essay
A business bring to manage lots of different information. All information systems have 2 free issues, one is the organisation who receive the information and the other is that appropriate members of staff gets the information. A number of policies have to be put in place concerning warranter of information, backups, health and precaution, organisational policies, costs and increasing sophistication. Security of information can be an operational issue. It is all about maintaining the integrity and availability of organisational information and knowledge. Managers need to have the right information available at the right time to make good decisions. The reliance on technology to store information increases which means the jeopardize posed by system failure and malicious attack from viruses also increases. IT security insurance should take into account common risks to information the business relies upon.This policy should include secure login id for IT systems and controls that li mit access to information. Backups are also an operational issue these are stores on separate hardware from the live versions of the information. Health and safety can be an operational issue. There are many regulations concerning health and safety. The Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 this is the minimum requirements for take in stations and includes the extent to which employers must(prenominal) ensure that workstations meet the requirements laid down in this schedules, the equipment, the environment and the interface between the computer and operator. Another is the management of health and safety at work regulations 1992 this is that every imployer shall provide his employees with comprehensible and relevant information.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
How Post-World War Ii Technology Changed America
How Post-World War II Technology Changed America 5/3/2012 AMH 2020- sensationalistic Class Angelika Vasquez Professor Brian Milner During the post-World War II era everything in our nation seemed to change. The post-World War II era had significant technological advances that changed politics, the economy, and the counseling stack interacted with unmatched a nonher. Three of the biggest technological advances during this era were the introduction of the atomic bomb, television, and space race technology. 945 to 1949, the atomic bomb changed politics and introduced the military industrial tortuous. Television, in the 1950s, changed the way people thought. During the 1960s there were many new space race technologies introduced that changed the way Americans received information. The atomic bomb, television, and space race technology significantly changed America. Atomic misfire Cold War- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg After Dwight D. Eisenhower left office, he warned about the growi ng influence of the military-industrial complex, in American government and life.The military-industrial complex was first coined by Eisenhower, during his farewell contend in 1961. This complex defines the combined effort of big business and the military to press for an ever-increasing share of national resources for the development of new weapons. Many politicians during this time believed that the military-industrial complex promoted policies that were not in the best interest for America, and that the growth of the military-industrial complex could perhaps undermine American democracy. The Cold War had created a warfare state.Because of the atomic bomb, polite defense drills required people to crawl under their desks at work or school high schools named their football teams The Atoms and songwriters wrote about the end of the world. Movies warned of the dangers of the bomb or made grim jokes about the fate of humanity. In the late 1940s, faced with the possibility of a nuclear war, Americans began building bomb shelters. Bomb shelters were built in either your backyard or your basement that were meant to offer substantial protection. TelevisionBy the late 1950s, almost ninety percent of American homes had a television set. Television transformed the way Americans did politics. During the Kennedy versus Nixon election, television played a key role in their election campaigns. During the Kennedy-Nixon debates, Kennedy had more of an appeal than Nixon. Although campaigns were already relying less on political parties and more on money before the introduction of the television, television helped accelerate this idea. John F. Kennedy emerged with a disputable national vote plurality over Richard M. Nixon by a s wears edge of . 7 percent in popular vote (49. 72% to 49. 55%) that converted into a 303 to 219 Electoral College victory. Some historians believe that without the television, Kennedy would not have won the 1960 election. In fact, John F. Kennedy hims elf stated that, we wouldnt have had a prayer without that gadget. Besides affecting politics, television also transformed American culture. The average American viewer spent a little over five hours a day in front of a television screen. American television was paid for by private enterprise, unlike Europes government financed television.During the mid 1950s advertisers spent an estimate ten billion dollars to labor their advertisements on the air. Television transformed American culture into a consumer culture. Television also changed the way Americans live, and the ideology which Americans lived by. Popular television series, such as yield It To Beaver, portrayed the ideal family as a male breadwinner, a woman full-time homemaker, and three or four children. On television, married women did not have paying jobs and depended on their husbands. Americans began getting married at a younger age and the birthrate soared.Space Race Technology Microwaves Cell Phones Home Computer Bib liography Atomic Culture. Social Culture. (accessed May 3, 2012). Renka, Russell. The 1960 Kennedy v. Nixon Election. The Modern Presidency. cstl-cla. semo. edu/renka/ui320-75/presidents/kennedy/1960_election. asp (accessed May 3, 2012). Roark, James L.. Understanding the American promise a brief history. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 1 . Roark, James L..Understanding the American promise a brief history. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 717. 2 . Atomic Culture. Social Culture. http//www. centennialofflight. gov/essay/Social/atomic_culture/SH23. htm (accessed May 3, 2012). 3 . Renka, Russell. The 1960 Kennedy v. Nixon Election. The Modern Presidency. cstl-cla. semo. edu/renka/ui320-75/presidents/kennedy/1960_election. asp (accessed May 3, 2012). 4 . Roark, James L.. Understanding the American promise a brief history. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 765. 5 . IBID, 764.
Slave Trade Simulation
Slave Trade Simulation Paper 26 February 2013 Modern World ONL employment slaves, a practice that has been described as inhumane, evil, or even blasphemous, left little room for sensitivity for those making the decisions of the trade. Often people wonder how such evil could continue in the world for as long as it did. The rewards of the slave trade overwhelmed any religious inhibitions that slightly of the traders and other beneficiaries might bind had. 1 Islams Black Slaves, p. 159 I will explain the delicacies of the trade agreements of the Yao, Kilwa-based Swahili Trade Lineage, and of the Zanzibari Indian commerce Lineage. After taking control of Kilwa in the mid-1780s, Oman transferred the majority of the slave and ivory trade there. 2 Islams Black Slaves, p. 146 The Swahili duty Lineage of Kilwa were pleased, as it leveled the playing field and enabled trade to be profitable for everyone of the ara.If you are wondering how these slaves could have put up with such harsh conditions, keep in mind that, though the traders poorly treated slaves, the slave-owners often treated them much humanely. The ones who were not killed in the travel of the trade were lucky to be alive and thus weakened at the thought of revolt. As for the traders, many of their negotiations were so dressing that they could not go back on an agreement at any cost. Trading elite were normally more(prenominal) concerned with upholding status as business community and thus, carried out any horror in the name of honor.The politics of the slave trade were very much like those of the 21st century, in the sense that some were at the tip of the pyramid, with those who were the middle and finally its base. Yao elite kept their honor and held their position on the ground level by providing for their people through trade. Their moneymaking(a) success also determined their power locally, as they were a matrilineal society. The Swahili Trading Lineage (A. K. A. the next level of the pyrami d), who acquired their slaves from the Yao, were facing pressures from the Zanzibari Indian Traders, who were controlling more and more of their territory.These Zanzibari, who were actually Bhattians based in Oman, were looking to prove their worth with the Omani by influencing more trade in the Kilwa region, thus moving up a notch on the pyramid. The Omani (the eye of the pyramid) had recently forced the Portuguese out of power over their area, allowing for more even trade for the Swahili Trading Lineage. All were trying to hold their ground against the exerting power of the Omani while remaining in good relations with those who benefited them.The Yao headmen, who were having trouble keeping their slaves alive foregoing to the trade, had to make a decision as to where 50 additional slaves to be given to the Swahili Lineage would come from. They could have chosen to attack a bordering village, which might have had devastating consequences. Second, they could have offered up crimin als of local villages. This would run them the risk of upsetting powerful families and causing half of the headmens lives if expected simoleons were not realized.Third, they had the option of sending Yao traders to the Portuguese for the extra slaves. This would have caused prices to increase by 50%, which would have affected their probability of providing the right amount of slaves. For the Kilwa-based Swahili Trading Lineage, their main concern was conducting an effective and honorable business transaction in order to promote a marriage alliance with the Zanzibari Indian Trading Lineage. This would proceeds the growing authority the Zanzibari had over the Kilwas and protect their status as elites.In order to do so, they had to fairly treat the Yao traders while ensuring a profit of at to the lowest degree 10 slaves and a gift for the Zanzibari of at least 10 slaves as well. Possibly the most influential of the transaction were the Zanzibari Indian traders. They set the market p rices and held the essential of the Kilwa-based lineage in their hands. For the trade, wealth was just as important as power for the few who conducted the human trade. Profits were estimated to be over 60 percent, well higher for anyone who simultaneously traded ivory. Traders were not inclined to let go of their influence at any cost. Those who stood in the way of a successful trade were eradicated or assimilated. Bibliography Ronald Segal,Islams Black Slaves The Other Black Diaspora( overbold York Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002) Robert E. Strayer,Ways of the World A Brief Global History,Volume II,Since 1500(New York Bedford/St. Martins, 2012) 1 . Ronald Segal,Islams Black Slaves The Other Black Diaspora( New York Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002)
Friday, May 24, 2019
How Is the Theme of Growing Up Explored in a Range of 20th Century Poems
How is the theme of emergence up explored in a range of 20th century songs? The theme of ontogenesis up is explored in a variety of ways in many 20th century poems, using distinguishable language techniques, that I am passing play to explore, to convey the emotion of small fryren maturement up in the times of class discrimination and racism. The four poems that I have chosen ar all from different perspectives, the childs or parents, or from retrospective points of views, recalling on the speaker systems life as a child.Chapter 7 Black Bottom of The toleration Papers, by Jackie Kay, is an extract of a poem that I am going to analyse. This poem is near a white mother adopting a black child and how she faces racial bullying by the more superior whites in Glasgow, Scotland. The credence Papers uses the child, the white adoptive mother, and the white biological mothers junction in alternating first person narrative, written in the present tense giving the poem themes of grow ing up, bullying and racism.The other two are from retrospective points of views, reflecting on the speakers lives as children and how they had to cope with the difficulties of growing up in a class system society. My Parents unbroken Me From Children Who Were Rough, by Stephen Spender, is a poem about an adult reflecting on his childhood in the upper middle class, and the lower class bullying him because of the social differences, exploring themes of loneliness, remorse and fear.The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost, is the one-third poem I will analyse, explaining how choosing the correct path will determine the outcome of your life, and that maybe taking the lesser travelled road could make the difference. The Adoption Papers is themed on the effects of racism on younger children while they are growing up. This effect on the child is explored in detail passim the poem and how she has had to cope with being victim of racial bullying, you were fighting yesterday, again. The uses o f caesura and end-stopping show how racial bullying is an ongoing problem for her.While growing up, bullying is eer a problem whether it is discriminative, racial, physical or verbal. The way she learns to cope with bullying is through her fists, which isnt always the answer, whereas in My Parents Kept Me From Children Who Were Rough the speaker was a victim of physical bullying of the aforesaid(prenominal) nature. The children being rough in this poem, were all subjected to be looked down upon as lower class by the high classes causing them to become rough and seen as the bullies in the situation because of their need of a sense of security.The bullies in this poem have many references to the child in The Adoption Papers as she is seen as a victim that fights back against what she thinks isnt fair, and both think that it is necessary to use fighting as a survival method to cope with the pain of being referred to as abnormal or other compared to the upper class who would call the mselves normal. Both of these poems evidence the effects of an ignorant society. In The Adoption Papers, the childs adoptive mother is also faced with having to deal with the effect of racial bullying toward her daughter.She lots tells her daughter to ignore the bullies and the racial remarks, understanding what her daughter is going through and is always in her support, You tell. You tell. You tellyour little girl a doing. The use of censure structure and punctuation here shows one of the effects bullying as had on the mothers life. The very short, two word sentences, presenting the speech of the antiblack childrens mothers, can be seen as frantic, that they are quick to pass judgement and also do not want to be in their nominal head for long because of the social standing.Also the mothers upon hearing that it was a black child, have no second thought on accusing the child showing that, because of their ignorance and racist attitudes, that they werent worth empathising with an d that they would have no excuse. The adoptive mothers sentence structure on the other hand, has no caesura and is only one longer sentence. By structuring this conversation between the mothers like so tells us that the adoptive mother is neither ashamed or concerned by her daughter being of a different race and also suggests that she will always make a finishing point in an argument.The Road Not Taken is a poem also themed on growing up and represents life as roads or paths with different turning points and directions. Upon these turning points, one must choose in which direction to go, the one worn or the one less trodden on. This poems voice is of an adult reflecting back on his life in world-wide and how these paths are just another part of growing up and that, in life, you would come across many different roads from which to choose.Robert Frost expresses this idea end-to-end the poem and also about the election between two roads that had not been used, Because it was grassy and cherished wear / Had worn them really about the same. A tone of regret is sensed here because of how Frost structured the stanza. By having Had worn them really about the same after Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Frosts meaning could be interpreted that the speaker could be mumbling or talking to himself, as if they are proud of their choice even though they know nothing of what could have been on the other path.This is later shown when the speaker says, I shall be telling this with a sigh suggesting that the speaker knows that they are likely to twist the truth, and seem heroic, in a more triumphant manner. Overall, I think that The Adoption Papers by Jackie Kay explores the theme of growing up in a very critical and thought provoking manner by using a wide range of literary techniques, much(prenominal) as caesura, repetition and similes, and that this poem is it most likely to stir the reader because of the detailed use of present tense, causing the reader to feel em pathetically towards the child.My Parents Kept Me From Children Who Were Young uses simple literary techniques, such as repetition, end-stopping and word choice, but in an effective method to convey the harsh realities of bullying while growing up. The Road Not Taken theme of growing up is conveyed in a different manner using a retrospective view, along with a long sentence structure, metaphors and an overall rhyming structure of a, b, a, a, b, to show that you may have regrets in life but life choices are valuable decisions and that is it all a part of growing up.
Paranormal: Personality Psychology and Carl Jung Essay
Topic Area This information looks at the relation between the belief in the paranormal and different personality traits. There ar two ways of looking at belief in the paranormal this battleground will look at the people who cerebrate and those who somewhat believe and analyze their personalities traits. Hypothesis This hold examined two contrasting views of paranormal belief which suggest, in one camp, that belief in the paranormal is indicative of psychopathology.On the opposite hand, a number of researcher render disagreed with this viewpoint, suggesting that such a belief is non an indicator of psychopathology, but the fulfill custodyt of some other underlying need. This study was designed to valuate the personality traits of those we would we would consider to be high and low believers in parapsychology. Method The participants in this study were under fine-tune college students mostly fresh custody and sophomores who were enrolled in anterior level psychology circlees .There were 105 students involved in the study with an age range from 18 to 44 the gender breakdown of participants consisted of 46 men and 59 women whose average age was 20. 19 years old. The participants were administered the extrasensory Belief Scale (Tobacyk & Milford, 1983), The Anomalous Experience Inventory (Kumar, Pekala, & G tout ensembleagher, 1994), the reputation Research Form (Jackson, 1984), and a general questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of basic questions about demographics and any experience or preconceptions about the paranormal.The coefficient alphas for the Paranormal Belief Scale were . 93 and . 91. Alphas for the subscales range from . 69-. 85 and . 49-. 74. Using the Paranormal Belief Scale participants were broken into groups of high and low believers base on a scale of 25-125 with high believers obtaining a score of 80 and low believers obtaining a score of 63. Each scale was administered in a class room setting and was untimed although the study t ook approximately 60 minutes to complete. Upon result each participant was released and received a debriefing letter after the study. Results and DiscussionThe results of this study showed that the high believers of the paranormal were more than in all likelihood to ingest friends with kindred beliefs they also be more likely to watch shows and read books based on paranormal subjects. The study also showed that more of the high believers had imaginary friends as they were growing up. Also high believers at campaigned church less than those in the low believers category and didnt look at themselves as very religious in comparison to low believers. The test also shows a distinct difference of opinion in gender with females scoring significantly high than males on the (PBS) scale.There was also a series of ANOVAs (analysis of variance) that revealed a significant difference on four of the PRF scales Abasement, Aggression, Defendence, and Sentience these finding represent that the re was not a strong enough relationship between these scales and the PBS to suggest a significant difference when examining high vs. low believers. However women scored higher than the men on Aggression and Defendence while men scored higher on Abasement. Critique When initially reviewing this study to make a determination on which research exemplar that I was going to focus on for my paper.I found that I was really interested in what the outcome of this research would be based on the amount of research that I am aware of that has been done on the study of the paranormal. This particular research was really interesting to me as it attempted to assess the personality traits of those who could be considered either high and/or low believers in parapsychology. According to other studies a person who believes in the paranormal is considered mentally dysfunctional. This study used what I rule was a small segment of the population for such a broad subject that seems to have so many foll owers.The feature that they used 105 undergraduates from the age of 18 44 makes me think that they may have limited themselves when it comes to the broad perspective of people that they could have used. If I were conducting the study I would have opened it up to males and females with age not being a factor in the study. I also would have went outside of the schoolroom to get my participants by looking for people who were of all different walks of life and backgrounds, from those with a high school education only to those in under graduate and graduate programs.I would have also attempted to recruit people from different professions from warehouse worker to executive. Another thing that I would have looked into would be the ability to get people to participate with whom I knew where members of the Wiccan community and also some people who believe in Psi, Esp. , and others who believe in poltergeist. I feel this would have produced some validity to base the answers of the non-beli evers against the answers of the known (or high) believers to form some sort of median to the answers instead of besides basing the answers off of people with whom are just here for their extra credit in their Psychology class.Another factor of the test that could have affected the outcome was the fact that it was administered in a class like setting. I feel that while the test should be structured maybe they should have administered it in a less formal manner. When looking at the different tests that were administered to the participants there seemed to be one consistent outcome on all of them. This outcome was that there was very little or no difference in the personality traits of believers compared to those of non-believers.The only measurable differences between the groups were the fact that females scored significantly higher than males when it came to the PBS Psi scale and on aggression and defendence. Males scored higher than females on abasement. Once again I believe other than the gender based heaps that the other scores could have been affected by the fact that all the participants in this study were college students in the same program at the same school. Even though there was an age difference and there were students of opposite genders the scores seem to close to me to rule out any relevance to this argument.Relationship of the study to personality theory The central relationship which was studied came in chapter 4 of our textbook, titled Jung Analytical Psychology. Carl Jung, in my opinion, seemed to be open to many things that could be considered paranormal. Jung related dreams and past experiences to paranormal thoughts as well as ESP and he also associated levels of a persons personality traits to different levels of the paranormal. Carl Jung was a strong believer in paranormal activity like spirits, e. s. p. , and the occult.Jung was raised more or less religion and theoccult from an early age, many members of his family were pastors and his mothers family practiced spiritualism and mysticism. Jungs grandfather was a believer of the occult, so much so that he kept a chair for the ghost of his dead wife and would a good deal have intimate talks with her. One might conclude that these childhoods encounters influence Jungs beliefs lead him to associate personality traits and paranormal beliefs with one other. Jungs theories were largely based around his study of the interpretations of dreams, both regular and paranormal. Jung was puzzled by paranormal dreams.He could not classify them the way normal dreams could be, but the mystery did lead him to expound on his principle of synchronicity. This concept is that events occur together in time but are not linked through cause and effect connections. For instance, a clock might stop at the scrap of its owners death, but these are purely synchronistic and unrelated events. Jung concluded that perhaps there is some sort of order in the universe, where a reflectivity appe ars psychically while the related manifestation in physical reality happens at the same time. (Carl Jung) Jung theorized that there were people, based on personality traits that were more likely to be influenced by paranormal thought and ideologies and came to the conclusion that introverts tend to have the best link to the paranormal. Besides the levels of the psyche and the dynamics of personality, Jung recognized various psychological types that grow out of a union of two basic attitudes-intro-versions and extraversion-and four separate functions-thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting. (Feist, 2009) Intuiting, in general, is often most associated with the paranormal, as illustrated in our textbook on page 120Table 4.1, introverted intuition is associated with prophets, mystics and religious fanatics. Hurst states that Introverted intuitive people are guided by unconscious perception of facts that are basically subjective and have little or no resemblance to external reality. Their subjective intuitive perceptions are remarkably strong and capable of motivate decisions of monumental magnitude. Introverted intuitive people such as mystics, prophets, surrealistic artist, or religious fanatics, often appear peculiar to people of other types who have little comprehension of their motives.Actually, Jung believed that introverted intuitive people may not clearly understand their own motivations, yet they are deeply motivated by them. (Feist, 2009) It is my opinion that these personality theories prove that paranormal belief is not something that is only suffered by psychopaths. The study states, Paranormal belief is indicative of psychopathology, as suggested by the latest study. (Auton, Pope, Seeger) I think that Jungs theories illustrate that though a person may experience a paranormal instance it does not necessarily slopped that there is a mental disorder present.Paranormal experiences may rather be a result of ones social environment, as often people who believe in the paranormal have acquaintances that share in that belief. It was also referenced that people with such beliefs tend to watch more picture and read more books that are based on the paranormal and occult. Relationship of the study to your own life and personality Paranormal belief is something that has intrigued me ever since I was a young child.You might say that I am a skeptical believer, as I like to think that everything that happens has a reason for taking place and there is usually a way to explain any situation that people might consider paranormal. I have had many singular experiences throughout my life that one might call paranormal and some I have had explanations for and others I have not. When I began reviewing the article, Paranormal Belief and Personality Traits, for this assignment I was in complete disagreement with the portion that stated that paranormal belief was synonymous with psychological dysfunction ( i.e. psychotic, neurotic, and depressiv e. )(Auton, Pope, Seeger) I found myself identifying with Carl Jungs theories regarding the paranormal which are a sharp contrast to those presented in this article. I feel and have been categorized by the Big 5 assessment as an extrovert and I feel that this may be the reason why I am so skeptical about paranormal experiences. I tend to look for the rhyme and reason of things that I have experienced in my life and am very skeptical about everything including ghosts, ESP and religion.Whether my paranormal experiences have affected my life or personality has yet to be said, though, I feel that these experiences were most certainly not a symptom of psychopathology. References Feist, J. & Feist, G. (2009). Theories of Personality (7th Edition). McGraw Hill. Carl jung his theories on archetypes, dreams, and the collective unconscious. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//www. ucmeta. org/Pages/Articles/Dreaming/Carl-Jung-His-Theories-Archetypes-Dreams-Collective-Unconscious. php
Thursday, May 23, 2019
History of informatics Essay
1. Briefly summarize the article. Be sure to discuss the registry. What is it? Who is included in it? 2. Describe the study and its conclude. How was it conducted? What are the limitations of the study? 3. plow the better takingss that the researchers uncovered. How does it benefit patients? What are the estimated cost savings? 4. Identify and discuss the three organizational characteristics that exclusivelyowed disease registries to effectively promote continuous improvement of clinical practice and wellness outcomes. 5. Based upon your research and understanding of this topic, do you agree that this is a worthwhile project to undertake?The health superintend system all over the world has been struggling with the ever rising costs as such a consensus to refocus efforts on value driven by paygrade of patient outcomes relative to costs. The registry is an organized system that uses observational study methods to collect uniform data to evaluate specific outcomes for a population be by a specific disease, condition or exposure that serves one or more than predefined scientific, clinical or policy purpose. The thirteen diseases registry uses outcome data to improve health care value. It comprises of five countries namely Australia, Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States. The study shows that by making outcome data transparent to both practitioners and the public well managed registries enable medical professionals to engage in continuous learning and to identify and share best clinical practices. This leads to improved health outcomes, at a lower cost often.The purpose of the study is to help document changes in health outcomes in patient populations covered by disease registry. The purpose of the study not only helps identify the changes, but also helps quantify the cost savings made possible by those improvements in the form of avoided health care costs as well as the role the registries played in these improvements. The study was conducted b y analyzing data published, unpublished, observing as well as interviewing physicians who used the registry. However their were some limitations to the study as it was conducted in a setting that was not randomized nor controlled hence they could not demonstrate a unconcerned connection between the registry and improvement in health outcomes.The improved outcomes the researchers uncovered were numerous in the thirteen disease registries. One such improved outcome was in 2005 when the created the quality index that tracked how well the nations hospitals were complying with clinical guidelines. The study showed improved health outcome at a compounded one-year growth rate of 13 percent from 2005 to 2007 after public disclosure. By having these improved health outcomes achieved in various sectors, patients benefit in numerous ways such as lower healthcare costs, lower mortality rates, improvement in quality of services rendered to patients as more and more hospitals improve their clin ical practices and adhere to the clinical guidelines. The US health care system spent $6 jillion on total hip arthroplasty in 2005, and according to one estimate, these costs are expected to rise to $24 billion by 2015. Based on these assumptions, we estimate that if the US health care system could lower its revision burden by 2015 to Swedens current level of 10 percent, it would avoid $2 billion of the expected $24 billion in total costs.
Hillcrest Case 7 Operative
OPERATIVE REPORT unhurried T. J. Moreno Patient ID 110497DOB 02/15Age 44Sex M Date of memory access 10/09/2013 Date of Procedure 10/09/2013 Admitting Physician Patrick Keathley, MD Endocrinology Surgeon Dr. Max Hirsch, MD Orthopedics Assistant Markus Leroy Johnson PAC (Surgical assistant was used for muted tissue protection and retraction and also for maintaining reduction during temporary and permanent fixation use of surgical assistant was medically necessary, and to prove the safety and capability of the procedure. Preoperative Diagnosis Left hindfoot osteoarthritis. Postoperative Diagnosis Left hindfoot osteoarthritis. Operative Procedure 1) Triple arthrodesis . 2) Popliteal sciatic block placed by surgeon explicitly for postoperative pain management. Anesthesia General by Chuck Delaney, MD. Condition during anesthesia, stable. Specimen Removed Nine. IV Fluids See nurses notes. Estimated rake Loss See nurses notes. Urine output See nurses notes. Complications N unrivaled. Postoperative condition Stable (Continued) OPERATIVE REPORT Patient T. J. MorenoPatient ID 110497DOB 02/15Age 44Sex M Page 2 INDICATION A 44 year old male with hindfoot osteoarthritis pain, who has failed conservative management aft(prenominal) reviewing risks, benefits and alternatives, he has concur to proceed with surgical management. Risks of delayed healing, non-healing and infection, nerve vessel tendon injury, ongoing pain and discomfort, procedure failure, need for revision surgery, and/or hardware removal noted. The event that he will have a stiffed hindfoot noted. Patients questions were answered, and he was consented for the planned procedure.PROCEDURE IN DETAIL The patient was taken to the operating room where frequent anesthesia was induced. Time out was taken indicating the appropriated site, procedure, and patient. Operative site was initialed, one gram of Ancef given IV. Popliteal block was placed medial to lateral hamstring, 3 fingerbreadths proximal flexion cre ase to the knee. Intraneural injection of avoided by reducing the amperage to below 1 milliamp, seeing an obliteration of motor response. The extremity was prepped and draped in the rough-cut fashion. Extremity exsanguinated, tunicate inflated.No equinus was present. Metier incision made from the tip of the fibula to the base of the fourth metatarsal. Extensor digitorum brevis and fat pad were elevated off the insufficient peroneal retinaculum. Calcaneocuboid and subtalar pins were carefully exposed, denuded of cartilage, and prepared with a 4mm osteotome for arthrodesis. The calcaneocuboid joint was exceptionally osteoarthritic. The talonevicular joint linear incision was made in line with the posterior tibial course, sharp dissection carried down through skin with blunt dissection of subcutaneous tissues.Saphenous vein was retracted in a dorsal postion, linear incision made in the periosteum. The calcaneo and the talonavicular joint were carefully exposed. Cartillage, or what w as remaining of cartilage was removed. There were extreme osteoarthritic thoughout. Essentially 5%-10% of cartilage remained. The osteophytes were carefully excised with osteotome, the joint was prepared with microfracture using an osteotome on both sides of the joint. (Continued) OPERATIVE REPORT Patient T. J. Moreno Patient ID 110497DOB 02/15Age 44Sex M Page 3Shortly the incision made off the weight bearing surface of the posterior heel. pass off wire from the 70 cannulated set was advanced across the posterior heel across the subtalar joint into the talor neck body junction. This was done while the heel was held in a slight valgus position. After verifying position and measuring, the wire was advanced to the anterior ankle, held with a hemostat. This was followed by sequential reaming with 4. 0 and then 7. 0 cannulated reamers. Next, after tapping, a fully threaded 100 mm screw was placed over a washer. Care was taken to avoid soft tissue impact posteriorly.Excellent compressio n, fixation, subtalar joint were obtained without impingement of the ankle. Next the talonavicular joint was reduced to a foot plantar grade position, held with two 4. 0 cannulated screws starting at the naviculocuneiform joint. Next the calcaneocuboid joint again was adjusted to allow for plantar grade foot position. The joint was held with 4 staples from the 3M 15X16mm stabilizer. All wounds were irrigated with normal saline, excellent compression was present in to each one position, the medial periosteal was repaired with 3. 0 vicral suture.Subcutaneus tissues closed with 3. 0 vicral and skin closed with skin clips. On the lateral side, extensor digitorum brevis was repaied to the inferior peroneal retinaculum as was the fat pad. subcutaneous tissue was closed with 3. 0 vicral. Skin closed with 4. 0 nylon. The posterior heel was irrigated and closed with 4. 0 nylon suture. A sterile dressing was applied prescribed telfa dressing, sponge, Webril, cotton roll, and plaster splint. The foot was at a final plantar grade position. Image intensification showed well placed hardware, extra articular to the ankle.Patient was taken to the recovery room in stable condition with no known complications. POST-OPERATIVE PLAN The patient will be observed overnight with pain control maintained. one time he is surgically stable, patient will be transferred to endocrinology for evaluation and care of his newly diagnosed diabetes and hypertension. He is to follow up in my office in one week for wound check. _______________________________________________________________ Max L. Hirsch, MD Orthopedic Surgery mh/xx D 10/15/20 T 10/15/20
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Thomas Paine Common Sense
Common Sense is a document written by doubting Thomas Paine who strongly advocates the urgency to have the colonies become an independent nation. He argues, that the nation has to break ties from the evils of Britain, in order to have an established society. On the surface, the document would come out to hold the ideas of freedom and democracy, besides upon examining it closer, I believe that it was all propaganda, that was only to benefit a small elite group.Thomas Paines argued that under Britains rule, no one would ever benefit in society because it was made up of a monarchy. He matte that Britain had been fed enough, and that it should be put to a stop immediately. Neglect on the part of Britain was the only positive and negative aspects, that took place because of the following reasons. A sad and negative outcome because, the colonies were able to fend for themselves while Britain enriched herself while neglecting her people.The positive outcome was that colonies showed inde pendence, by being able to sustain a comfortable lifestyle without Britains assistance. Most important, the laws of Britain were no interminable able to address the people a red-hot nation had emerged made up of many different backgrounds and religions. Paine continues his arguments by stating to the colonists, to think of why they left in the first place. If all was well back home, why did some many leave if it was all okay.He makes it clear that no one left voluntarily, but for an urgency to better themselves. Of course, we can not forget that some left for religious freedom but most left because, opportunity was available. Also, he felt that the colonies were already exercising their beliefs and ideas, because they exercised their freedom by making new laws and implying them to all. Profit was also another motive, having a free port that would enrich the lives of those who lived in the new independent nation.
Releasing Protected Health Information Essay
When it comes to the handling of patient roles records and them being released, it is not an easy process. It is very important for each patient that opts to have their information released for whatever reason sign a release form stating that they authorize their information being released. There are times in which a patients records preempt be released without having their political relation agency. In this case, the records can be requested from government agencies, legal agencies or a representative, and a question that may subpoena a medical profession for this information. Every person that becomes a patient in a healthcare facility is protected by something called HIPAA. The health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law passed by Congress that amended the Internal R notwithstandingue Code of 1986 to improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, to combat waste, fraud, and ab app ly in health insurance and health care delivery, to promote the use of medical savings accounts, to improve access to long-term care services and coverage, to simplify the administration of health insurance, and for other purposes, according to Essential of Healthcare circumspection (2011). HIPAA is a set of rules that address the use of secretiveness and confidentiality of an individuals health records. Any facility that practices with the care of a patient is subject to the privacy rule of HIPAA.The cover entities would be considered privacy and disclosure of information as protected health information. The covered entity is required to obtain an individuals authorization prior to disclosing any health information. Every patient when seen by a healthcare professional is made aware of their rights to how they want their medical information to be used. The reason for this is to keep patients information private and protected.What it does allow is some information to be able to be transferred with the patient from physician to physician so that they the physician can last something about the patient to help them in the best way that they can. There are different circumstances by which agencies or covered entities have the right or legal obligation to access or obtain Patients Healthcare Information (PHI). PHI is under the HIPAA that gives the privacy regulating the privacy that should remain between the patient and doctor. Under some circumstances the government has the right or legal obligation to a patients medical records. Any health care data for analysis in support of policy, planning, regulatory or management functions, it is permitted to disclose information to other government agencies for health data systems (according to http// Any non-covered government entities may only maintain a limited amount of data sets of information.This is so that the identifiers (name, address and complaisant Secu rity numbers) can be removed before the government agency receives them. When files are usually authorise to the law officials, it may be because the person can be a victim of domestic violence to a government authority, abuse, and neglect. In a case like the patient is informed that their information has been released unless the health facility hopes that a serious harm will occur or the person may portray to themselves. Researchers may need to use files without being authorized to do so if they need to find a treatment for the person. Trying to receive the approval from a patient can be time consuming by which can getting a glimpse at the files and starting the job is much easier. I believe that no matter what kind of reposition that is placed on medical records, it is secured and should be assessable when needed. Law official/ researchers are able to subpoena records due to research or something.I believe that they should be authorized to obtain records without a patients aut hority depending on the case. I believe that having records subpoena should go by a base-to-base case. I believe that privacy safeguards are adequate to support the law agencies, researchers, and government agencies of having them be able to obtain information about a patient even without their consent. I believe that in the long run, it makes it easier for some of these agencies to be able to do their job without any interruptions and debater. Before starting this class, I did not know as much as I do now. I believe that the HIPAA lawis something that protects patients from their PHI being exposed to the wrong people. It is something that is great that is in placeReferencesGreen, M. A., & Bowie, M. J. (2011). Essentials of Health Information Management (2nd ed.). Clifton Park, NY Delmar, Cengage Learning. Legal Requirements for Consent to Disclose Patient Information. (2010). Retrieved from http// U.S. Department Health & Human S ervices. (2013). Retrieved from http//ww
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
A Movie Review on ââ¬ÅEl Presidenteââ¬Â Essay
E. Own SynopsisThe story is told in flash back ends as Emilio Aguinaldo thanks the US g everywherenment for giving him the opportunity to attend the upright restoration of Philippine independence on July 4, 1946. The hire begins with his capture by Philippine and US forces under Frederick Funstons command in 1901, then flashes back to 1886, when an old woman gives Aguinaldo and childhood friend Candido Tirona cryptic prophecies. Ten years later, Aguinaldo is inducted into the Katipunan and later assumes leadership of its Cavite chapter while becoming mayor of Cavite El Viejo. When trouble breaks come out in Manila in late August 1896, Aguinaldo tries to assure the Spanish provincial government of non-interference and covertly marshals his forces despite a lack of weapons. acquire that the Spanish mostly put their forces in Manila, Aguinaldo finally mobilizes his troops and take the fight to Spanish troops in Cavite. As the rebels gain ground in Cavite and several provinces, its M agdalo and Magdiwang factions convene to elect a provisional government.Andres Bonifacio oversees the Tejeros Convention, which elects Aguinaldo as president, Mariano Trias as vice-president, and himself as interior minister. He storms out of the convention when Daniel Tirona objects to his election. Aguinaldos brother Crispulo informs him of his plus and convinces him to leave his troops merely as he was seeking to defend against the Spaniards at Pasong Santol. The rebels are defeated and Crispulo is killed. Meanwhile, an embittered Bonifacio establishes his own revolutionary government and is later arrested. Aguinaldo is refer about Bonifacios actions and wanted him exiled, but the War Council advises his execution. Several months later, Aguinaldo leaves Cavite with most of his forces intact and makes it to Biak-na-Bato in Bula send packing, where he signs the Pact of Biak-na-Bato and heads for Hong Kong.There he meets with US officials who nuzzle him with offers of support an d recognition of a new Philippine Republic amidst the Spanish-American War. Aguinaldo returns to the Philippines and formally declares independence from Spain. As the Malolos Congress convenes, Felipe Agoncillo tries to represent the new nation at the pact of Paris negotiations, but gets stonewalled at every turn even as US forces gradually arrive in the Philippines. The Philippine-American War breaks out in February 1899 and Antonio Luna is ordained commander of all Filipino troops. He is assassinated three months later and the Filipino troops are gradually routed by the Americans. As a result, Aguinaldos forces travel all over northern Luzon to escape the Americans. General Gregorio del Pilar volunteers to lead some troops in holding them off at Tirad come up and buy Aguinaldo time to get away.His loyal courier is later captured by the Americans while getting some medicine for his son. Now aware of Aguinaldos hideout, Funston plans his capture. Having been make to accept US rul e over the Philippines, Aguinaldo lives a quiet life, which is marred by Hilarias passing in 1921. He meets and marries Felipe Agoncillos niece Maria in 1930. oer the next few decades, the couple witness Philippine history unfold once more as he is defeated in the 1935 presidential elections, Japanese occupation and the restoration of full independence. In 1962, an elderly Aguinaldo and his wife comfort each other over President Diosdado Macapagals decree to have-to doe with the actual date of the Philippine declaration of independence. In his final hours, the same woman who gave him his prophecy appears to him one more time.F. Criticize on the followingI. stage and ThemeEl Presidente is a Historical learn wherein the life of Emilio Aguinaldo is portrayed from the Spanish Era, until the Philippine Independence.II. ScreenplayThe screenwriters inserted some Spanish Dialogues, English, and Filipino in the script. And I was discontent with the screenplay itself. I didnt ilk the dial ogues especially when Baron Geisler who portrayed as a Spanish official talked to Emilio Aguinaldo in Spanish saying that he doesnt understand Filipino, but then all of a sudden he understood it. That is just an example of the lack of continuity of the script.III. DirectionThe Director in this movie did a decent job of portraying the life of Emilio Aguinaldo. I tell decent because I was quite disappointed with the way the movie compete out. I expected so much from this movie, but in every scene, I dont know if the director overlooked it, but I really am discontented with every scenes.IV. CinematographyThe Cinematography was good in terms of portraying the proper scenes though in the fight scenes, the filming was quite lacking for the actors werent shown in many different angles.V. EditingThe editing from the start is quite good but I didnt like the editing on the war scenes. I didnt like the editing because you can see that some of the fight scene was either fast-forward or in sl ow motion. With that in mind, the fight scene was discontented for me because the feeling of intensity in a fight scene isnt quite felt by me.VI. ActingFrom the casting, to the acting, to the clothe, I didnt like it. Bayani Agbayani and Bearwin Meily are good comedians for me. But here in this movie where it is sort of historic and more on drama, they didnt fit the roles and also there are also some cast in which I didnt like. I also didnt like the costume of some artist, especially the fake moustache of some of the actors. I also didnt like the acting of Jorge Estregan as Emilio Aguinaldo because he seems to be lacking in facial expression and at some point too melodramatic.VII. DialoguesThe dialogues were good but they could still improve. The consistency of the dialogues form Spanish to Filipino were lacking just like my statement on the Screenplay.VIII. SoundtrackThe soundtrack of El Presidente is no doubt entertaining and good that is why it won some of the awards in terms of theme song.IX. optic EffectsWe liked the visual effects of the movie because its simple and realisticX. Costume and make-upThe costume seems to be good for it portrays the historical minimise of our country.G. Additional notes to consideri. Interesting Facts about the making of the film* Judy Ann Santos was initially offered to play Hilaria Del Rosario. She refused to accept the movie saying she cant relate to the roughage because she doesnt know Hilaria personally. * Tikoy Aguiluz backed out of directing this film after a misunderstanding with Jorge Estregan over Manila Kingpin The Asiong Salonga Story.ii. Budget and box-office performance corner office P872,972 (partial Manila)iii. Awards and honors* Youth Choice Award El Presidente* Best Sound Michael Idioma, El Presidente* Best Musical Score Jessie Lazatin, El Presidente * Best Theme margin call and Jamir Garcia, El Presidente* Best Make-up Warren Munar, El Presidente by Warren Munar and company.* Best Supporting A ctor Cesar Montano, El Presidente * 2nd Best Picture El Presidenteiv. Social, political, and/or historical context for the film The movie is partly based on Aguinaldos Memoirs of the Revolution. Writer-director Mark Meily states that the project had its genesis back in 1998. Over the intervening years, careful research was made in order to accurately portray Aguinaldos life, especially facts that have been glossed over in history books. These acknowledge his conduct over the trial of the Bonifacio brothers and his other actions during the Revolution. Meily himself was brought into the project as director after Ejercito pledged never to work with original director Tikoy Aguiluz because of their rift over editing Manila Kingpin. Shooting took place over 43 days at select locations in Cavite, Laguna, and Bulacan, with the Las Casas Filipinas de Azucar in Bataan substituting for urban scenesv. What others have said about the film* The Philippines Cinema Evaluation Board graded the film at A. * Phillip Cu-Unjieng of the Philippine Star said it vividly recaptures one of the Philippines most degenerate periods in history by exposing the infighting among the Katipunans members and how Aguinaldo wanted to resolve them. He noted that the films quality makes it almost stand out as much as Richard Attenboroughs Gandhi, Steven Spielbergs Lincoln, and Martin Scorseses The Aviator. * Philibert Ortiz-Dy said making the film was tricky, but dragged towards the end.* The movie garnered most of the awards at the 2012 Metro Manila Film Festival, winning the plums for Second Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor (Cesar Montano), Youth Choice Award, Best Float, Best Sound, Best Musical Score, and Best Make-up. * Columnist and communicate show host Jessica Zafra, however, was critical of the movies treatment. She said the depiction of Bonifacios death raised questions about its authenticity. She added that the film itself does Emilio Aguinaldo a disservice by portraying him as a vi ctim of circumstance and even highlighted the amnesia prevalent among contemporary Filipinos.H. Values and RelevanceThe film was more of a historical appreciation of our previous heroes. The film taught us that our Filipino heroes fought for our freedom therefore we should cherish it.I. Over-all analysisOver-all the film is good for it depicts the life of our national heroes. Though the film seems to be a bias on the part of Emilio Aguinaldo because the death of Andres Bonifacio and Antonio Luna were different on the history books. From the acting to everything, it is a good film but it can still improve by so much.
E-Marketing study notes
Owned Media carry communication megs from the org to net users on owned channels(our site) salaried media properties owned by others who are paid to carry promotional megs (advertising) Earned media when Individuals conversations become the channel (WHOM) Media type Definition Examples The role Benefits Challenges OwnedChannel a brand controls entanglement site, mobile site, blob twitter account Build for LET RSI with existing potential customers and earn media Control, cost efficiency, longevity, versatility, niche audiences, build B image No guarantees, company communication not trusted, takes time to scale Paid Brand pays to leverage channel Display ads, paid search, sponsorship Shift from foundation to a particle accelerator that feeds owned and creates take in media In demand, immediacy, scale, controlClutter, declining response rates, poor credibility limited control Earned When customers become the channel WHOM, Buzz, viral Listen & respond earned M Is result of well exec uted & coordinated owned/pall media Most credible, key role in most sales, transparent and lives on No control, can be negative, scale, hard to measure Owned media Content marketing strategy involving creating & publishing content on sites and in social media.Having content addressable to inform ,entertain and engage users when eek the company Companies organizing themselves as media publishers online All owned media is content Sell digital content on media (music software), accept Google Ad Sense and recoup payments when click on ads. Websites Marketing public relations (MR.) brand related actively & non paid, 3rd party media coverage to positively Influence market. DVD for exploitation W to publish plus Info low cost alternative, Info updated, can reach new prospects. Entertain, build communities, communication channel, provide info and
Monday, May 20, 2019
Management of the seas of Southeast Asia Essay
spatiotemporal marine and coastal selective cultivationbases argon essential for management of the seas of Southeast Asia. Maps of resources found in marine and coastal environments, the sources of potential damage and entropy to guide managers are the means by which resources can be assessed and managed to apply marine resources. This information is get by do the oceanographic survey. There is a strong need for data for managers to manage, conserve, remediate, recover and sustain continued use of Southeast Asian coastal and marine resources. This need is met by inspired, knowledgeable and scientific use of data. Also, the importance of monitoring, mapping and management is considered. Currently there are umteen global databases including global datasets of a general nature.There are also several national databases that are more specific, but access to the information in many of these databases is difficult from an international perspective in the first place because of the la nguage barrier. However, there are few regional databases and the existing ones include limited sets of data and information, often collected under the umbrella of the hosting organization. It is very difficult to get a comprehensive overview of which data and information are readily available from public sources at global, regional and national levels and this makes it difficult to assess data and fill information gaps. There is also very little information providing an overview of past or on-going send off activities in the region and the lessons-learned from these oceanographic survey activities. Likely reasons are the difficulties in collecting such information and the need for regular verification and updating. In addition, no organization has taken the responsibility, or has been given the mandate, to collect and unionise information on activities under the various organizations and programmes operating in the region. Data ocenography take time and capital to collect and a re extremely valuable resources.They affect coastal and marine management decisions and need to be stored and shared. In order to make best use of the efforts undertaken in the Southeast Asian Seas region, increase collaboration between existing projects and programmes would be beneficial in order to increase data oceanography availability and address information gaps at national and regional levels. This collaboration may well start with increased information sharing and networking between regional organizations, governments, organisations,universities and existing database initiatives through further developing mechanisms.
Early in the play Macbeth caleed lady
This essay will examine the context of Shakespe ares Macbeth and primarily delve into the affinity of Macbeth and bird Macbeth as a partnership to determine whether, or not, their marriage is based on reach terms, or how this emphasizes her strength of mind that often overpowers his moral beliefs. As swell as interpreting unmatchable an differents attitudes when not in scenes to realiseher and how they differ when separated. It will also analyse their personalities varied stances and how they express them with vocabulary from the beginning of the primary-year enactmention throughout the course of the wanton away until their inevitable demise. This will fin ally define the quote, my dearest partner of greatness.Before Macbeth is seen and skirt Macbeth is mentioned, their percentages are built on the esteem of others. In be active 1 Scene 2 the captain says For Brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name. Explaining too presently of Macbeths brave and ruthless prowess in battle, later in this scene Ross describes him as Bellonas Bridegroom, to a greater extent(prenominal) of a remark directed at Lady Macbeth and is in fact the first mention of her in the play. Bellona is the ancient Ro domain goddess of war and is not the only source to ancient Rome in the play. The other obvious boasting of Macbeth comes in Dun stops constant gratitude and awe, frequently describing him as Noble Macbeth or O worthiest cousin-ger part, Act 1 scene 2 and act 1 scene 4, respectively. on that pointfore when the consultation first meet Macbeth in the scene 3 of the first Act and he con fronts the witches, it is his reputation that proceeds him as hes not quite timid only if hesitant to communicate with the mystical strangers that confront him before Banquo addresses them. He is also doubtfully sceptical whether to believe their foretelling Not within the prospect of belief, as one would be in a situation until his evidence is disclosed in the form of Ross and Angus check-out procedure of him being baksheeshed Thane of Cawdor, as happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme. He believes that forthwith the first prediction has come true also him being Thane of Glamis that surely they were just the noteping stones to his ultimate goal.When the au yieldnce first encounter Lady Macbeth in Scene of the first act she is lectureing the names of her husbands garner. In this letter he describes her as my dearest partner of greatness, that thou mightst not lose the due of rejoicing, by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee. Suggesting they are a partnership and he has thought to inform her of the intelligence agency so she shares in his pluck, he also k outrights that she will scheme their next move.After reading the letter she contemplates his convictions, despite his widely respected brain uprightness and manliness in battle she debates whether he can act in the same manner when fighting for personal gain against his former compares hitherto do I fear thy nature It is too full oth milk of human kindness. even un seted her doubts they are correct beca go for subsequently hearing the witches prophecies two scenes earlier, If chance will give way me king, why, chance may cr take me, without my stir, he became Thane of Cawdor with postal code unless honourable service and so hes unsure whether to act unmorally in this circumstance.In Scene 4, when Macbeth and Banquo arrive at Duncans camp, Macbeths attitude is courteous and faithful towards the king besides in one case Duncan confirms that his heir will be his eldest, Malcolm, Macbeths true intentions are revealed in an aside, a language devise ordinary in plays similar to a monologue in which a character will often speak his genuine mental thoughts while acting or saying differed points in his real conversation.The Prince of Cumberland That is a step on which I moldiness fall down, or oer leap, for in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires permit not light see my black and deep desires The eye wink at the hand yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.Macbeth mentions that Malcolm is an obstacle in which he mustiness overcome if he should croak king and and then Shakespeare uses the first of many rhyming braces in the play. In the play, Macbeth a rhyming couplet is commonly used before a major event or when someone is bring forwarding obstreperously to inform the audience of a characters thoughts.In Act 1 Scene 5 Lady Macbeth says,That I pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue.Indicating her wishes to inspire him to do betraying deeds with her honey for their royal goal. She is not commanding him to do so that may nominate been intimated to sound as though she is in control. However, this passage is a vital one at this point in the play, which verifies Lady Macbeth is not in lie with command but s bowl has a voice in matters. It infers she makes her sugges tion then persuades him to watch out through using her manipulative nature and sexuality. It is a rarity that a woman in this Elizabethan society would pose any say in her husbands, particularly a soldiers, decisions. Primarily for the misogynistic views harboured by physically solid alpha males with housebound wives.In Act 1 Scene 5 Lady Macbeth confirms that at the beginning of the play she not cruel nor amoral, nor insensitive it is purely that she is complete and utterly strong minded and committed to her aspirationsmake thick my blood stop up th access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visitings o nature shake my purpose, nor keep between the effectLady Macbeth deliberately becomes remorseless so she can govern her husband to his power which will also benefits her. These chosen sacrifice pay their worth later in the playThy letters have transported me beyond This ignorant present, and I feel this instant The future in the instant.Macbeths letters have aroused he r devious nature and she has plotted and schemed. She has pictures herself as queen to him and is now relentlessly obsessing to crown herself, metaphorically and literally, with her achievement.look like the innocent flower but be the serpent lying to a lower placetLady Macbeth is adamant that Macbeth carries out her wishes.and you shall put this nights great business into my stumbleShe commands and takes control of the situation due to her continuing doubts about his moral beliefs and willpower interrupting their mission.We will speak make headwayMacbeth remains unconvincedTo alter favour ever is to fear.She ignores his pleas insisting, on the danger that his feelings may choose to this tentative position.Macbeths uncertainty can be partly due to not just being do Cawdor but the previous affiliation and favours Duncan has bestowed on him.Your majesty loads our house for those of old,Implying Duncans favours go beyond his new-fashioned praise further evidence for this can be c ited in Act 1 Scene 4The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself. Your gameyness part Is to receive our duties and our duties Are to your throne.In Act 1 Scene 7 Macbeths soliloquy, another monologue like language device preferred by Shakespeare in Macbeth, often express his characters deepest desires and also negative thoughts of the people around themIf it were done when tis done, then twere well it were done quicklyMacbeth expresses that he doesnt want to torture Duncan and a quick and painless cat sleeping close would be all he could de bearr all be it he feels its unjust to murder such(prenominal) an honourable man in his sleep.this blow Might be the be-all and the end-all hereHe further expresses his indisposition to the trade union movement at hand but still sees its importance he indicates that if and when he kills Duncan that would be the be all and end all and no acts would follow, then he would barely hesitate. However, he knows this isnt the case an d must find strength for this is just a step to his path of greatnessas I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed then, as his host who should against the murderer shut the door, not bear the prod myself.Macbeths feelings of wrong-doing intensify as not only as his loyal server to the king and acres but as his host, is not a righteous path to walk down.I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which oerleaps itself and falls on the other.He has no actor but the selfish wishes and ambitions of himself and his wife. Therefore he feels it can only be a unsatisfactory rationalness for creating such a cowardly and despicable act of murder.In Act 1Scene 7 Lady Macbeths pride and utter determination is unreserved, she is overpowering Macbeths guilt feelings and with sheer will. She is not afraid of what outcome may follow and she is ordering him to do as she pleasesMacbeth we will proceed no further in this businessLady Macbeth W as the hope rummy wherein you dressd yourself? Hath it slept since?She accuses him of being cowardly and expresses that his determination has died since they last spoke of their plansArt thou afraid(predicate) to be the same in thine own act and valour As thou art in desire?In claiming his fear of acting on his ambitions, she is hoping to touch a nerve by the constant raging mockery she is solely hoping to spur him on to do the deed she craves him to act onAnd live a coward in thine own esteemMacbeths response is ferocious he knows he has to silence her at oncePrithee, peace I dare do all that may become a man who dares do more is none.He insists he as a worthy man and will act on any bravery expected of a man. This line implies he is as noble as a soldier could be but he cannot do an unjust duty, possibly subconsciously is not only that the king hasnt ordered but that a woman has.What beast wast, then, that made you break this opening move to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man And, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man.Lady Macbeths headers his manhood. This point proving if maybe more than any that Lady Macbeths marriage to Macbeth is more equal than most. A typical woman in Elizabethan society to raise her voice to her husband, a soldier, a thane, and question his manly judgement, would not be permittedwhile it was smiling in my face, Have pluckd my nipple from his boneless gums, And dashd the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this.Lady Macbeth continues insisting the strength of a mans word and that it cannot be broken.We fail But screw your courage to the sticking-place, And well not fail.Her wondrous dreams conclude that winning is all that matters she wants and considers to be queen or die trying imploring him to commit himself to the act albeit treasonous.In Act 2 Scene 1, Macbeths soliloquy revolves around imagining a spine placed in front of him although knowing it is imaginary and just a frag ment of his guilt stricken imaginationIs this a dagger which I see before meAlarumd by his sentinel, the wolf, Whose howls his watch, thus with his stealthy pace.Shakespeare compares Macbeth to an animal of the night he must follow out his deed with conviction to take charge of his pack. In the animal kingdom such an act would regularly occur and not be looked at twice as is natural to those. Macbeth must hunt like the wolf, the original dog, and deny his conscience in order to become the ultimate predator.At the end of the soliloquy, in scene 7 of the first act, are two separate rhyming couplets Shakespeares use of rhyming couplets is usually to depict the characters thoughts just before a major eventWhiles I threat, he lives Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives.Macbeth is summoning himself to stop his ranting and run hastily, which is quite true. The longer he thinks about it the less likely he is to do it.Hear it not, Duncan for it is a knell That summons thee to hea ven or to hell.The audience now presumes after this act that the deed was carried out.The first lines in Act 1 Scene 2 are of Lady Macbeth discussing alcohol That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold What hath quenchd them hath inclined me fire.The negative effect on them has had the effect on her she craves, and enabled her to feel no guilt on the assassination.When Macbeth returns bearing the good news, in her mind, she makes a pitiful excuse of why she has not carried out the deed she relished more than him.Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had donet. therefore more evidence suggesting Lady Macbeth is not a psychopath as her ambitions that have been manifested in strong-growing and murderous behaviour, she could not follow through personally for she is not a warrior like Macbeth and has probably never taken a life. Yet, after the murder, Macbeths panicking paranoiac behaviour is ignored by Lady MacbethMacbeth Glamis hath murderd sleep, and therefore CawdorS hall sleep no more Macbeth shall sleep no more.Lady Macbeth Why, worthy thane, You do unbend your noble strength, to think So brainsickly of things.Macbeths is instantly driven mad after the murder of Duncan. He cannot yet control his acts hes in a frenzy of hysteria. He believes he will never wash his hold of the deed impart all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand?Lady Macbeths attitude is very differentYour constancy Hath left you unattended.She is now in complete control and he relies on her commands to get through the night and she scornfully scrutinizes his behaviour.In Act 2 scene 3, Shakespeare uses dramatic irony after the king has been murdered. Lady Macbeth is told of the news by MacduffO gentle lady, Tis not for you to hear what I can speak The repetition, in a womans ear, Would murder as it fellLater in the scene, Macbeth is verbally gushy over the murder of the guards and arousing suspicion from the on looking Thanes Lady Macbeth faints out of shee r concern of their task being ended by the clumsiness of her husband. This indicates her aiding him is not only for her own interests but implying that their relationship is a partnership.Since Act 1 Scene 3 the relationship of Banquo and Macbeth has altered immensely. At the beginning of Act 3, Banquo is conscious(predicate) of Macbeths actions but doesnt tell his former noble accomplice in case he himself is murdered kB hast it now king, Cawdor, Glamis, all, as the weird women promised, and, I fear, Thou playdst most foully fort.After Macbeth talks neighbourly to Banquo and wishes him farewell, while transparently finding the details of his departure, his true thoughts are knownThere is none but he Whose being I do fearShakespeare also makes another Ancient Rome reference asMark Antonys was by Caesar.In Act 3 Scene1, when Macbeth orders Banquos murders, this could be considered the pivotal moment in the play. He does not consult his wife and grows independent in amoral sin. This role reversal is made progressively imminent in the following scene where Lady Macbeth is seen weary and weak, symbolizing Macbeths turn in world power to be able to carry out evil acts without doubt. Lady Macbeth from this point on is weakened and without need to control her husband and she soon loses the ability to control herself. Macbeth emblazoned with power before he goes insane with guilt Lady Macbeth whats to be done?Macbeth Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, trough thou applaud the deed.In Act 3 scene 4 when Macbeth is asked to sit yet he sees the ghost of Banquo in his chairwoman his guilt and paranoia is blatant, he is instantly on the defensive though not being challengedThou canst not say I did it never shake Thy gory locks at me.Lady Macbeth reaches in as in fainting to distract attention, she claims an excuse before expressing her rage to MacbethAre you a man? and What, quite unmannd in fatuity?.Ever questioning his manhoodBlood hath been shed ere now, i the olden time, Ere human statute p momentumd the gentle strake Ay, and since too, murders have been performdbut now they rise again,Historically, most people viewing the play Macbeth when it was first acted, would have generally believed in the supernatural, therefore Shakespeare is adding a supernatural element that people would be famililar with. In the advance(a) day, Banquos ghost would be like the dagger and just a symbolic prop hinted as a piece of imagination. However then like the witches, they would genuinely believe that the dead would be joining the hosts at dinner. Macbeth is trying to claim a manliness that would be true to his valour as a soldier, under the mockery of his wife, Take any shape but that, and my firm nerves Shall never tremble, inferring nothing will scare him but his conscience.At the end of Scene 4 of the third act, Lady Macbeth is found asking about what he is going to do about Macduff and generally what next? For now Macbeth is in control and she is doing what he wishes despite the incident with Banquos ghost, he is firmly now placed as the man in their relationship.In Act 4 Scene 1 Macbeth is confronted with three apparitions whose predictions revealMacbeth Macbeth Macbeth beware Macduff look out the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough.Macbeth was originally worried about Macduff but now this has been confirmed he is thankful.Be bloody, bold, and immovable laugh to scorn The power of man, for none of woman born(p) Shall harm Macbeth.Macbeth foolishly decides this means no one can kill him and he forgets his initial fears of Macduff.Macbeth shall never vanquishd be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hillShall come against him.This further comforts Macbeth as he now thinks he is invincible be exertion no one can physically move a forest. However, the witches ploy is to meddle and Shakespeare has written these as trickery, Macduff was born of a caesarean section and is not according to Shakespearian audience not of wom an born. By Birnam Wood culmination to Dunsinane, he means the wood moves in leaves and camouflage. Hecates orders of mischief were carried out for their previous prophecies were factually beneficial. Now they are misleading him into believing he is immortal and will not be thwartedTime, thou anticipatest my dread exploitsMacbeth knows he has not much time but must act on the news of Macduff gathering an army but does not seek his Ladys help he is instead overly casual of the situation relating to his recent news.In Act 5 Scene 1, Shakespeare uses Lady Macbeths sleepwalking grade to relive the events of the couples past for the audience, which puts subsequent scenes into perspective for thema soldier, and afeard?She speaks of her husbands nerves but also of her own remorseWhat, will these hands neer be clean?Lady Macbeths initial empowerment has been dead by guilt and driven her to the brink of insanity she who criticized Macbeth for his lack of conviction is now whimsical and bewildered and her death is imminent.What does the tyrant? and confident tyrantMenteith describes Macbeth as a tyrant, abusing his power, cheating and lying. His former colleagues feel none but disdain for his actions.Some say hes mad others that lesser hate him Do call it fearless furyThese two statements of madness and bravery display hatred with mutual respect. His wrath is now coming to a close but he cannot turn back now he must die like a noble soldier as he lived most of his adult life but he is still not completely aware of his soon departure for the words of the three witches gave him counterfeit hope.Bring me no more reportShall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear.Macbeth is in complete power he has become the evil dictator his wife aspired him to yet she is not in the wellness to see it.Bring it after me. I will not be afraid of death and bane, Till Birnam forest come to Dunsinane.This rhyming couplet represents Macbeths loss of doubt everything he feared before he has embraced and it has charge him as a king to fight, not for his country, for himself and only himself.Were I from Dunsinane away and clear, Profit again should exactly draw me here.The Doctors self-sympathy in aside rhyming couplet is representative of all the servants and unlucky servers of the King who have been forced to loyalty under his emphatic regime.In Act 5 Scene 5I have almost forgot the taste of fears The time has been, my senses would have coold To hear a night-shriekThis is Macbeths admitting his change in character but know his life has been so corrupted by murders of the innocent.She should have died hereafter There would have been a time for such a word.When Lady Macbeth dies, Macbeth is almost emotionless as he soon discovers his confidence was unjust and his life will soon be over as well.If this which he avouches does appear, There is nor flying hence nor tarrying here. I gin to be aweary of the sun, And wish the estate o the world were now undone. Ring the alarum-bell Blow, wind come, wrack At least well die with harness on our back.Macbeth is now nimble for immortality, he can take back his sins and treacheries for now he can only fight till death and die with the honour of a soldier albeit a corrupt one.Why should I play the Roman fool, and die On mine own sword?Macbeth again references Ancient Rome, he expresses the urge to die fighting. His wife is dead as well as his best friend and that was at his hands and also his king.Macbeths death was always inevitable.Of this dead butcher and his fiend-like queenI dont believe Malcolms comments are unaccompanied accurate way to describe Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because even though there are some elements of truth there, in the end, they regretted their actions and regret is not something a butcher or a fiend might feel. A butcher and a fiend are the alter egos of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The starting point of Macbeth and actions are the witches prediction. This is the cause of their act ions because the predictions were already planted in their minds. Macbeth cannot be described as a butcher because individually he would not of been able to kill the king.Although Lady Macbeth manipulated him into murdering Duncan, she was drunk on royal fantasies, and the next day her guilt became unbearable and led to her loss of sanity and subsequently, her death. Macbeth could also not bring himself to murder Banquo or Macduffs family personally so ordered assassins to kill them instead.In conclusion, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can be described as partners. However were never in equal roles. One needs to be stronger and dominant at each given time although this position is exchanged throughout the course of the play.
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