Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Privatisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Privatisation - Essay Example However, it can be argued that since 1978, the country is experiencing gradual process of transition from centrally planned economy to an economy where the resources are allocated through market mechanism (Kikeri & Kolo, 2005). Nonetheless, the economic reform in China has had a profound impact on the economic system of the nation over the last two decades but the nature of the transition is still identified to be incomplete. It has been observed that prior to price reform in China, it acted as an instrument for state’s redistribution policies. Correspondingly, it has been ascertained that during the regime, central government controlled the process of all the major commodities. However, the price reform in China has led to the commencement of ‘freely-operating market signals’ almost in all the sectors of the economy. The price liberalisation facilitated in responsive supply towards the consumers demand as well as downstream producers which dramatically resulted i n greater allocative efficiency. The price deregulation reduced the state’s role in fixing and guiding prices to a substantial extent. Besides, prior to 1978, the policies of the Chinese government have been firmly based on the principle of self-efficiency while importing only those commodities that could not be produced and at the same time exporting goods only to pay for imports. Notably, trade constituted only a small proportion of the Chinese economy. In other words, trade was monopolised and predominately controlled by the central Government ministries. The trade liberalisation policy in China has dramatically led towards encouraging foreign investment and trade while it also resulted in determining the increasing imports and exports by market forces reducing the State’s control over the international trade. Correspondingly, this process led to the increased participation of private firms thus reducing the State dominance (Mina & Perkins, 1997). The

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