Thursday, October 31, 2019
Vietnam War and America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Vietnam War and America - Essay Example Was the Vietnam War a design politique of the US Government? Was it really a mistake on the part of US? Was it a ââ¬Ëdesignââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëmistakeââ¬â¢ both? These are the questions we must consider. It will be interesting to quote noted political scientist and the author of Politics Among Nations Hans J. Morgenthau from his article in New York Times Magazine and web publication here: The address President Johnson delivered on April 7, 1965 at Johns Hopkins University is important for two reasons. On the one hand, the President has shown for the first time a way out of the impasse in which we find ourselves in Vietnam. By agreeing to negotiations without preconditions he has opened the door to negotiations which those preconditions had made impossible from the outset. By proposing a project for the economic development of Southeast Asiaââ¬âwith North Vietnam a beneficiary and the Soviet Union a supporterââ¬âhe has implicitly recognized the variety of national interests in the communist world and the need for varied American responses tailored to those interests. By asking ââ¬Å"that the people of South Vietnam be allowed to guide their own country in their own way.â⬠he has left all possibilities open for future evolution of relations between North and South Vietnam. On the other hand, the President reiterated the intellectual assumptions and policy proposals which brought us to an impasse and which make it impossible to extricate ourselves. The President has linked our involvement in Vietnam with our war of independence and has proclaimed the freedom of all nations as the goal of our foreign policy. He has started from the assumption that there are two Vietnamese nations, one of which has attacked the other, and he sees that attack as an integral part of unlimited Chinese aggression. Consistent with this assumption, the President is willing to negotiate with China and North Vietnam but not with the Viet Cong. Yet we cannot have it both ways. We cannot at the same time embrace these false assumptions and pursue new sound policies. Thus we are faced with a real dilemma. This dilemma is by no means of the President's making. We are militarily engaged in Vietnam by virtue of a basic principle of our foreign policy that was implicit in the Truman Doctrine of 1947 and was put into practice by John Foster Dulles from 1954 onward. This principle is the military containment of Communism. Containment had its
Evidence-Based Practice Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Evidence-Based Practice - Research Paper Example lity quasi-experimental or randomized group design research and three high quality single subject design researches carried out by at least three different study groups or researchers ( Social narratives are visually designed stories that illustrate social circumstances together with socially relevant responses or actions that help persons with autism spectrum disorder acquire and use relevant social skills. Some of the social skills include self-management, decision-making, communication, peer relations and problem-solving abilities. These skills allow individuals to start and sustain positive social relationships. There are numerous narrative approaches that have been developed to meet the social skills shortfalls of persons with ASD. The educators or parents write the narratives that are designed to improve social intelligence. Social narratives help persons with ASD to gain information about the views and emotions of other people. They also help in understanding contextual information that the individuals with ASD may have missed. Social narratives can be an efficient, inexpensive approach that promotes heightened social and behavioral comprehension (Autisminte The first step in creating social narratives is to identify the social situation that needs intervention. The author selects a social behavior that should change, preferably the one in which improvement will enhance social interactions, new social learning opportunities, or even safer environment. The second step is to define clearly the target behavior for data collection. It can be done in a style that all individuals involved in data collection understand it. The author should ensure that the target behavior defined is observable, measurable and specific. In the third step, the author collects baseline data on the target behavior. If the data is gathered over a long period, it will allow the author to determine learning and outcome trends
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Adult Ed SLP One Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Adult Ed SLP One - Research Paper Example Challenges faced by institutions in the post secondary education include lack of an effective transition, poor perceptions of adult learners, disintegration of entities involved in the system, lack of research and funding, and low participation. Adults moving into the post secondary education require a reliable navigation system in order to be able to select the appropriate programs that would help them identify their career pathways, achieve their goals, and get connected to the right institutions. There are some adult learners who do not think that they are college material because of their perceptions of going to the college when they are adults. Launch of a national communications and marketing campaign might help eradicate this stigma and facilitate them in the identification of career pathways. One of the most significant challenges of institutions in the post secondary education in the present age is that various entities that are involved in it that include but are not limited to the employers, philanthropic entities, college administration, and government are disintegrated. There has been some research about the success of adult learners and graduates, but an effort to consolidate the findings of these studies in a central location yet needs to be made. A considerable population of students leaves education after the secondary level because of a number of reasons including the fear of racism, bullying, high college fees, and the financial burden and pressure from the family to start working and making money as soon as possible. Data on the transition of the learners of adult basic education (ABE) to the post secondary education is limited, that indicates that not many ABE learners enroll in the post secondary programs. According to the data collected by the Department of Educationââ¬â¢s National Reporting System, about 48,350 adults had enrolled in the post secondary education in the
Audience Analysis Essay Example for Free
Audience Analysis Essay Many of us may know that Breast Cancer is a real prominent disease. With breast cancer being one of the top five killers of man-kind, I wanted to give information in regards to what the disease is. This disease is Cancer of the Breast; one of the most common malignancies in women in the US. This topic means a lot to me being that Iââ¬â¢ve watched two grandmothers die from the disease and currently watching a auntie battle from it, not to mention my mom being a survivor, so in my opinion this topic felt extremely suitable for this informative speech. The purpose of my speech being on Breast Cancer, is simply to inform my audience about what Breast Cancer is, who/what it effects and its early detection. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), breast cancer is the most widespread cancer in U.S. women, it is very severe that women/men become aware of this disease. More than two million women are living with breast cancer, and more than 40,000 deaths are expected this year. The death rate has dropped steadily since 1990 (averaging a 2.3% decrease per year) due to improvements in early detection and treatment; the 5-year survival rate has risen to 88% (ACS, 2005). The type of organizational pattern I plan on using is being able to inform; I want to be able to educate my audience about my topic. I want to include some facts and statistics based on my research in regards. The information I plan to provide to my audience will be useful and interesting to help them develop their own questions and thoughts about breast cancer. References: American Cancer Society (ACS) . ( 2005 ). Breast cancer facts and figures, 2005ââ¬â06 . Atlanta : Author .
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Factors that Increase Sensitivity to Nicotine Dependence
Factors that Increase Sensitivity to Nicotine Dependence Age of tobacco use initiation, concomitant tobacco use and nicotine dependence Ziyue Wu Abstract Introduction The growing use of tobacco products have strong negative effects on public health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and lung disease (MacKenzie, Bartecchi, Schrier, 1994). As the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S., tobacco use has been linked to the death of approximately 5 million people annually (Jha, Chaloupka, Moore, Gajalakshmi, Gupta, Peck, Asma Zatonski, 2006). Given the addictive nature of nicotine, many tobacco users are likely to become chronic smokers and to have difficulty achieving successful cessation. Most research on tobacco use has focused on cigarette smoking. Ethnicity and gender have been found to be associated with cigarette smoking behavior (Hu et al., 2006[LD1]). Further, psychiatric disorders have been shown to contribute to the transition from daily smoking to nicotine dependence (Dierker Donny, 2007; Breslau et al., 1998). Despite the large number of studies examining cigarette smoking and nicotine dependence, risk for dependence based on other types of tobacco use have received far less research attention. Different types of tobacco use (cigarette, cigar, pipe smoking, snuff, tobacco chewing) may predict nicotine dependence differently. Such difference may be more significant between smokeless tobacco users and smokers. Moreover, little is known about combined effects of tobacco use on risk for nicotine dependence. ways of tobacco use. Different types of tobacco use (cigarette, cigar, pipe smoking, snuff, tobacco chewing) may predict nicotine dependence differently. Such difference may be more significant between smokeless tobacco users and smokers. Concomitant smokers may follow a unique pattern. Also, age of the initiation of tobacco use may be correlated with current usage amount and number of ways of tobacco use. It remains uncertain that whether individuals with earlier onsets of tobacco use have greater risk of becoming nicotine dependent and using tobacco concomitantly. [LD2] By examining the data from The National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), this study sought to (a) understand whether different ways of consuming tobacco might lead to different levels of sensitivity to nicotine dependence; (b) discover whether age of initiation of tobacco using behavior contributes to different levels of sensitivity to nicotine dependence; (c) find out whether age of initiation is associated with concomitant tobacco use, especially combined use of smokeless tobacco and smoking; (d) discover that which ways of tobacco did most concomitant users used first.[LD3] Method Sample The sample was taken from the first wave of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). NESARC, described by Grant et al. (2006publication year?)., has an unprecedented large sample size (n=43,093) to achieve stable estimates of even rare conditions. It represents the civilian, noninstitutionalized adult population of the United States, including residents of the District of Columbia, Alaska, and Hawaii. People that lived in households, military personnel that lived off base, and people that lived group quarters: boarding or rooming houses, nontransient hotels and motels, shelters, facilities for housing workers, college quarters, and group homes (Grant et al, publication year), were interviewed in a computer-assisted personal basis after consenting to participate. The present analyses were based on all the respondents. This sample was chosen to assess both current tobacco users and tobacco abstainers. Measures Use of Tobacco products use was measured by asking respondents whether they had used cigarettes/ cigars/ pipes/ snuffs/ chewing tobacco these products in past twelve month (ââ¬Å"Had you used cigarettes/ cigars/ pipes/ snuffs/ chewing tobacco in past twelve months?â⬠). Frequency of Ccurrent tobacco use was measured with the question ing behavior was evaluated by the frequency (ââ¬Å"How often did you use cigarettes/ cigars/ pipes/ snuffs/ chewing tobacco in past twelve months?â⬠) and quantity was measured with the question (ââ¬Å"What was the usual quantity when you used them?â⬠). Usage quantities of certain kinds of tobacco per month were estimated by multiplying midpoint of the range of each reported frequency per month and reported usual usage quantity. Age related measures selected as third variables and control variables included age, age at the onset of certain kinds of smoking behavior (ââ¬Å"How old were you when you first used cigarettes/ cigars/ pipes/ snuffs/ chewing tobacco?â⬠), age at the onset of using them daily use (ââ¬Å"How old were you when you started using them daily?â⬠), age at the onset of tobacco using behavior (ââ¬Å"How old were you when using tobacco at the first time?â⬠) and age at the onset of everyday tobacco useing behavior (ââ¬Å"How old were you when starting to use tobacco daily?â⬠). A variable reflecting number of kinds of tobacco used was created to separate concomitant tobacco users from single way users. For concomitant tobacco users, I created variables to show the current combination of ways in tobacco use and the combination of ways when the respondents started using tobacco[LD4][EW5]. A variable reflecting the number of years since the respondents started using tobacco w as also created by subtracting the age at the onset of tobacco using initiation from age at the interview. A categorical variable was also created to describe which combinations of tobacco use the respondents fell into, single way smoking, single way smokeless tobacco, concomitant use of smoking, concomitant use of smokeless tobacco, or concomitant use of smoking and smokeless tobacco. NICE!! Nicotine dependence related variable was ââ¬Å"Nicotine dependence in past twelve monthâ⬠. Data Analyses In the first question asked, Logistic regression was estimated to determinesee whether different ways of tobacco usieng predicted nicotine dependence independently. For the secondA second set of question, another logistic regression analyses were was conducted within each type of tobacco using behavior, with controlvariables for amount used usage amount, age, ethnicity and gender controlled, to verify the correlation between the age of initiation and probability in getting nicotine dependent. A two way interaction tested by Pearson Correlation Test was conducted to examinefind out association between age of initiation of tobacco using and current number of tobacco use ways. [LD6] Results Different tobacco uses and nicotine dependence More than one fourth (25.80%) of the respondents reported some forms of tobacco use in past 12 months. Among those who used tobacco in past 12 months, 89.216% (n=9,913) smoked cigarettes, 10.106% (n=1,119) smoked cigars, 1.93% (n=215) used pipes, 6.548% (n=720) used snuffs and 4.52% (N=502) chewed tobacco. Further, the number of average cigarettes smoked per month climbed towas 186.26 (SD=332.32), whereas the numbers of monthly uses of cigars, pipe smoking, snuffs and chewing tobacco are onlywere 2.108 (SD=27.61), 2.879 (SD=28.70), 4.108 (SD=38.38) and 1.94 (SD=24.71), respectively.. [EW7] Logistic regression was used to examine the association between different kinds of tobacco use and nicotine dependence, with covariatescontrolling for of age of tobacco use initiation, years using tobacco, ethnicity and gender. Cigarettes, snuffs and chewing tobacco were positively associated with nicotine dependence, while cigars and pipe smoking failed to independently predict nicotine dependence. [EW8] Age of onset, tobacco usage amount, and nicotine dependence The average age of onset of tobacco use was 16.548 (SD=5.21) years old, and the average number of years using tobacco was 32.108 (SD=17.37) years old. Of 18,943 subjects who reported ever using tobacco, 77.656% (n=14,693) started before adulthood. Logistic regression was used to estimate the association between age of initiation and nicotine dependence. Covariates included years using tobacco, ethnicity, gender and tobacco use. Age of onset of tobacco use was found to be negatively related to nicotine dependence, with earlier onsets associated with higher risks for nicotine dependence. Moreover, multiple regression was used to estimate the correlation between age of initiation and current tobacco useage amount, also with variables forcontrolling for years using tobacco, ethnicity and gender controlled. For users of most popular type of tobacco use, cigarette smokingers showed strong positive relationship between age of onset of cigarette smoking and amount of current smoking amount. Earlier onsets actually elevated was associated with a higher current cigarette smoking amount. NAnd number of cigarettes consumed was found directly linkedto be positively associated with likelihood of experiencing to nicotine dependence[LD9]. This result might serve as another clue for earlier onsets probably promoted risks for nicotine dependence. [EW10] Concomitant tobacco users and single way users Among theose 11,118 respondents who reported tobacco use in past 12 months, 10.3% (n=1,149) of them were concomitant users. Also, among 1144 concomitant tobacco users (total 1149) with available data, 54.655% (n=624) hadof them started smoking cigarettes as the first way to of usinge tobacco. In total, 71.3% (n=816) of respondents started using tobacco in smoking forms (cigarettes, cigars, pipes or combined smoking). Only 20.72% (n=237) of respondents first started using tobacco in smokeless form (snuffs, tobacco chewing or combined smokeless tobacco). The rest, only 8.39% (n=96) of respondents, first used tobacco in both smoking and smokeless tobacco. Also, among 1034 daily concomitant tobacco users, 70.50% (n=729) started smoking cigarettes first. REALLY NICE!! Outcome of the Pearson correlation tests for age of tobacco use initiation and current numbers of ways used showed a small, significant negative correlation (r= -0.11, pwas associated with a larger number of ways of using tobacco. elevated the probability in becoming tobacco co-users. Moreover, tobacco users were separated into different categories, single way smoking, single way smokeless tobacco, concomitant use of smoking, concomitant use of smokeless tobacco, or concomitant use of smoking and smokeless tobacco. Chi-square test was conducted to examine each of two different categories and nicotine dependence. Single way smokeless tobacco users were found to have lower probabilities of becoming nicotine dependence than all the other groups of users, except of the concomitant use of smokeless tobacco users. Also, the group of concomitant use of smokeless tobacco users were also found to have lower probabilities of nicotine dependence than co-users of smoking and smokeless tobacco[LD11]. [EW12] Discussion The present study sought to examine whether age of onset of tobacco use was associated with nicotine dependence and numbers of kinds of tobacco used. The study also aimed to examine whether different kinds of tobacco use were differently related to nicotine dependence. Further, itToabccoTobacco use was also examined amongthe tobacco use of concomitant users. Four major findings appeared. First, different ways of tobacco use were actually associated with nicotine dependence differently. Whereas cigars and pipe smoking failed to independently predict nicotine dependence, the other three kinds of tobacco, cigarettes, pipe smoking, snuffs and chewing tobacco were independently positively related to nicotine dependence. Second, age of onset of tobacco use was associated with nicotine dependence. An earlier initiation of tobacco use enhanced the probability of getting nicotine dependence. Third, age of onset of tobacco use also had correlation with number of kinds of tobacco use. An earlie r onset also elevated the probability of becoming concomitant users. Lastly, most of the co-users of tobacco started with smoking cigarettes. The finding of different directions of association with nicotine dependence in various kinds of tobacco may be explained by discrete habits and intentions of tobacco use. Of the five kinds of tobacco, cigars and pipe smoking failed to independently predict nicotine dependence (p=0.40). Two facts may be the causes of this may explain this explainationsexplanations phenomenon. First,First, most of the cigar smokers and pipe smokers were concomitant smokers. AIt is possible that among all cigar smokers (n=1,119) and pipe smokers (n=215), 62.02% (n=694) of cigar smokers and 74.88% (n=161) of pipe smokers were concomitant tobacco users. Second, most cigar smokers and pipe smokers did not consume large amount of cigar products. 80.07% (n= 896) of cigar users smoked less than or equal to 14 cigars per month. 60.93% (n=[LD13]131) [EW14]of pipe smokers used pipe smoking 18 times or less. Such small dose of intake may not result in enough variety of nicotine dependence. To sum up, cigar users and pipe users probably consumed these products not for satisfying the desire for nicotine but simply for a hobby. The correlation between age of tobacco use initiation and nicotine dependence showed that early initiation enhanced increased the probability of nicotine dependence. In the case of a special substance, the cigarette smoking, early initiation also elevated the current useage amount. of tobacco product[LD15]. This outcome is consistent with previous literature that stated early age of onset was associated with heavy smoking in later life (Chen Millar, 1998). Although early age of onset has been evaluated with its potential to enhance tobacco use amount, difficulty in tobacco cessation (Chen Millar, 1998; Khuder et al., 1999) and tobacco use frequency (Taioli Wynder, 1991), result of the present study has initiated strong implication that age of onset may also directly influence the possibility of becoming nicotine dependent. Moreover, the relationship between age of tobacco initiation and current kinds of tobacco use indicated that early onset also promoted the probability of becoming a current polytobacco users. Previous researchers have discovered that evidence that gender, ethnicity, education and income are related to concomitant tobacco use (Bombard, Pederson, Nelson Malarcher, 2007). However, the present study has shown evidence for the association between age of tobacco use onset and concomitant tobacco users. Further, the present study showed that a significantly large proportion of concomitant users started using tobacco by smoking cigarettes, and then stepped initiated into other kinds of tobacco. The direction of shifting among different tobacco products has been studied by others, and several various results have emerged. While some have suggested that smokeless tobacco products may act as gateway substances to cigarette smoking (Hatsukami, Nelson Jensen, 1991; Haddock et al., 2001), others have also proposed that cigarette smoking initiates smokeless tobacco use (Riley et al., 1996). There are also some researchers that have claimed none of them initiates the other (Wetter et al., 2002). The outcome of the present study suggests that cigarette smoking is likely to precede smokeless tobacco use. In the pair comparisons of different combinations of tobacco use, the group that only used one kind of smokeless tobacco showed a significantly lower probability ofin becoming nicotine dependent than groups of single way smokers, concomitant smokers and co-users of smoking and smokeless tobacco. The only group that was not significantly different did not show significantce variation in sensitivity to nicotine dependence from the group of single way smokeless tobacco users was the group of concomitant smokeless [LD16]tobacco users. One of the reasonable explanation of such phenomenon is that smokeless tobacco may be less addictive than smoking (Henningfield, Fant Tomar, 1997). Another explanation is that smokeless tobacco users might use less amount of tobacco products per month. The ANOVA of the combined amount of tobacco products used per month was conducted to test whether smokeless tobacco users had smaller amount of tobacco use. The result showed that the average usage amount of single way smokeless tobacco users was 97.94, which was significantly lower than those of single way smokers, concomitant smokers and concomitant users of smoking and smokeless tobacco, which were 408.22, 460.77 and 584.38. Strengths and limitations There are several limitations in the present study. First, only frequency of use and usual use quantity were available for estimating the amount of the tobacco products used per month. Such calculation was incomplete for reflecting the actual amount of use. Moreover, there was no measure for Conclusions and implications OUTLINE Briefly summarizing what you found (Summary) Take the main sentences of the results, donââ¬â¢t keep changing the words Finding 1, 2, 3: linking them to previous literature When talk about literature, donââ¬â¢t keep writing about the results Strengths and limitations Conclusions and implications: what should future research look at References Breslau, N., Peterson, E. L., Schultz, L. R., Chilcoat, H. D., Andreski, P. (1998). Major depression and stages of smoking: a longitudinal investigation.Archives of general Psychiatry,55(2), 161-166. Chen, J., Millar, W. J. (1998). Age of smoking initiation: implications for quitting.HEALTH REPORTS-STATISTICS CANADA,9, 39-48. Dierker, L., Donny, E. (2008). The role of psychiatric disorders in the relationship between cigarette smoking and DSM-IV nicotine dependence among young adults.Nicotine Tobacco Research,10(3), 439-446. Grant, B. F., Dawson, D. A. (2006). Introduction to the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions.Alcohol Health Research World,29(2), 74. Haddock, C. K., Weg, M. V., DeBon, M., Klesges, R. C., Talcott, G. W., Lando, H., Peterson, A. (2001). Evidence that smokeless tobacco use is a gateway for smoking initiation in young adult males.Preventive medicine,32(3), 262-267. Hatsukami, D., Nelson, R., Jensen, J. (1991). Smokeless tobacco: Current status and future directions.British Journal of Addiction,86(5), 559-563. Hatsukami, D. K., Lemmonds, C., Tomar, S. L. (2004). Smokeless tobacco use: harm reduction or induction approach?.Preventive medicine,38(3), 309-317. Henningfield, J. E., Fant, R. V., Tomar, S. L. (1997). Smokeless tobacco: an addicting drug.Advances in dental research,11(3), 330-335. Hu, M. C., Davies, M., Kandel, D. B. (2006). Epidemiology and correlates of daily smoking and nicotine dependence among young adults in the United States.American Journal of Public Health,96(2), 299-308. Jha, P., Chaloupka, F. J., Moore, J., Gajalakshmi, V., Gupta, P. C., Peck, R., Zatonski, W. (2006). Tobacco addiction. Khuder, S. A., Dayal, H. H., Mutgi, A. B. (1999). Age at smoking onset and its effect on smoking cessation.Addictive behaviors,24(5), 673-677. MacKenzie, T. D., Bartecchi, C. E., Schrier, R. W. (1994). The human costs of tobacco use. New England Journal of Medicine, 330(14), 975-980. Riley, W. T., Kaugars, G. E., Grisius, T. M., Page, D. G., Burns, J. C., Svirsky, J. A. (1996). Adult smokeless tobacco use and age of onset.Addictive behaviors,21(1), 135-138. Taioli, E., Wynder, E. L. (1991). Effect of the age at which smoking begins on frequency of smoking in adulthood.N Engl J Med,325(13), 968-969. Wetter, D. W., McClure, J. B., de Moor, C., Cofta-Gunn, L., Cummings, S., Cinciripini, P. M., Gritz, E. R. (2002). Concomitant use of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco: prevalence, correlates, and predictors of tobacco cessation.Preventive medicine,34(6), 638-648. [LD1]You need to say what ethnic groups or which gender are more likely to use tobacco. It is not enough to say ethnicity and gender are associated with tobacco use. [LD2]This needs to be preceded by what the literature has shown on age of onset. In its current form, the paragraph comes a bit from left field for the reader. [LD3]You can include this in your results, but I donââ¬â¢t think it is on par with your other questions, so it does not need to be included here. [LD4]Not sure how to edit this, but a little less clear than earlier descriptions. [EW5]Describe the categories [LD6] We can discuss. [EW7]One decimal place for percentage and number Two decimal places for SD and SE [EW8]Add the sentence stating the likelihood, odd ratios and confidence intervals [LD9]Logistic regression? [EW10]Maybe I can delete it [LD11]Add the actual rates to this sentence. [EW12]Should I add some more details? [LD13] [EW14]Decide whether to delete it or put it in the result part [LD15] [LD16]
Polish Brewery Market Analysis
Polish Brewery Market Analysis MARKET AND COMPETITION ANALYSIS Shareholders, employees with their families and collaborators with their families benefit from the beer business. According to the industry estimates this branch and cooperating industries employs almost 200 000 workers in Europe, and 600 000 is the number of employees who would like work for the brewing industry in the future. Polish brewery market employs about 15 000 people, and sectors that cooperate with it have higher employment rate ( 56,2 thousand employees ). People are hired in HORECA and trade and almost 186,000 of them make a living by working for the breweries. This makes 740,000 families altogether that owe their financial stability to this industry. Investors After the fall of the communism in 1989 polish brewery market has been dominated by the multiple foreign investors. They knew that this market has a potential, and needs money, technology, and experience in order to be successful. At the beginning of the 90s consumption of the beer was not exceeding 30 litres per person per year. It was of a poor quality and the beer consumption culture did not equal the western reality. This investment needed big money, and therefore investors decided to start the brewery business on the polish market from the scratch. For example SABMiller has spent almost 2 billions zloty ( PLN ) on the development of its four brands, and thus one of them, Tychy, became the largest in Europe. Brewpole, an Australian company, was the first leading investor on the market. It created new production lines and introduced a new brand: EB. Then it gained almost 16% of the market shares. However, later on it had to merge with the Zywiec Group ( because of some of its advertisement failures ). Finally, production scale and good marketing were the most important issues that must have been considered. Big players were taking over smaller ones, and others were just closed down because were not profitable. Foreign investors have helped the polish brewery market by putting into it $ 1 billion and now it is the most modern in Europe. Almost 80% of the beer production is under their control. Therefore technology development in the brewery industry has been influenced by them, and this has led to increase of the beer production between 1990-1997. Today polish brewery industry belongs mainly to the global corporations. They knew Poles are patriots, and therefore decided to take advantage of this attitude. Tyskie, Okocim, Lech, Zywiec, Warka, Lomza and Strzelec sound polish, and thus are the most popular on this market in Poland. This shows that the foreign investors respect polish tradition and decided to combine it with their corporate global culture. External Customers Beer is one of the most popular global products. According to the data men are a vast majority when it comes to the beer consumption ( 65%). In case of women, 45% of them does drink beer. 76% of the beer drink consumers are in the age below 47, and whats interesting, 35% of people between 18-29 declare to be the loyal beer purchasers and its consumers. When it comes to frequency of the consumed beer, 47% of the consumers are between 30-65. Whats surprising, there is a huge difference in the education of the beer consumers. People with the Masters degree and over make up only 8% of the beer fans. Almost 26% of people with the basic education belong to this group, 34% with the vocational education does drink beer, and 37% with the secondary education are loyal beer consumers. 72% of the consumers usually drinks beer at home, 21% in pubs and the restaurants, and only 6% while enjoying the nature. They prefer light beer rather than dark. The reason for his choice lays not only In the taste, but also In its healthy properties. Light beer strengthens our bones, helps fight the osteoporosis, and bone tissue disease, which leads to the multiple fractures. For the last 10 years Poles have been drinking beer more than before. They treat beer as a substitute for wines and vodkas. According to the researches, 60% of the overall annual alcohol consumption goes to beer, 10% to vodka, and only 10% to wine. Poles are patriots and therefore almost 98% of them chooses polish beer. But when it comes to the quality of beer and its price, 45% definitely chooses German, Dutch or Czech products. . The price is usually too high In Poland, and thus the consumers are forced to buy the imported beers. However, the quality and taste of the beer are improved every year, and therefo re beer consumption increases by a few percent. Suppliers Brewery industry requires specific type of suppliers. This sector is supplied by the hop, and metal and glass packaging producers. Moreover, brewery industry focuses also the printing plant services. Brewery industry is supplied with the hop by the foreign importers and domestic suppliers. More than a half of the imported hop is used in the beer production, and suppliers are usually Hungary and Czech Republic, from the agri-food branch. Breweries sign with them the hop supply contracts in order to avoid the sudden price changes of the resource on the market. Domestic producers are the second group of the hop suppliers. They do not strongly influence the breweries, which then do not fell threatened by them. The reason for such situation is that there is a low duty and low prices that encourage the breweries to import rather than use the services offered by the domestic suppliers, which subsequently focus only the brewery with the best parameters. Next type of suppliers for the breweries are those who supply glass and/or metal packages. There is a strong competition, and each of them tries to make his offer more attractive for the customer than the others: low price, good quality, and possibly best parameters. Most of the producers have a very attractive offers, and thus the breweries feel free in the choice of the offers. Printing plant services are in the same situation as glass and metal packages suppliers. Because of the strong competition on this market, they try to make their offers attractive as it is possible, and thus make the customer to choose them. Large breweries use mainly the services offered by the bigger plants. PEST analysis PEST Analysis is a combination of parts of the environment, that are put together in order to be easily researched by the company. It considers influence of the politics on the market, economy, social aspects, and technological development. Brewery industry challenges increase every time when European countries start to join the European Union, for example Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic in 2004, and decide to co-operate with the non-European countries. There are many opportunities and limitations which breweries have to challenge. Governments policies which consider alcohol sales include price regulations, sales limitations ( such as age, unsober customers, time when alcohol can be sold, place of selling and consumption ), and license for sale. Governments try to influence the price rivalry by limiting the advertisements or licensing the alcohol sales. They also increase prices in order to increase states revenues, and prevent increase of the consumption ( and alcoholism problems of the society ), especially among young people. Government wants to minimise the negative effects of the alcohol consumption, such as car accidents or its overdose. Sales licensing helps control whether the alcohol companies adhere to the sales rules and pay taxes. State monopoly is the factor which does not apply to the brewery industry. Economic and social environments are the most favourable factors for the industrys development. There are different economic systems in the countries of operation, and therefore there needed different approaches. However, European Union rules are similar for all of its members: common trade policy and rules of the export trade policy. Exchange policy is another issue to consider. There are still some countries that havent changed their currency yet ( f.ex. Poland ). Effects of the global financial crisis in 2009 are still felt on the currency market, and therefore polish zloty varies every day. Labour costs are on the employers (demand) side of the labour market framework. The average hourly labour cost in 2006 in the European Union was 20,35 Euro. However, there was a 20% increase in 2008 in Czech Republic, Russia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland and Lithuania. Year 2009 was economically disadvantageous for every country, but the prognosis seem to be optimistic and look forward to improvem ents on the market. During the last years inflation has influenced GDP growth rate, and the following table shows how it was changing between years 2006-2010. As we can conclude from this table, GDP growth rate varies every year by 0,1%, however, it declines until the year of the financial crisis in 2009, where it drastically fell down by 1%-2% ( -2,5% was the lowest and the worst moment ). Luckily GDP started to catch up on losses quickly in 2010, and seems to follow the statistics from year 2006. Financial crisis had also influenced the employment rate almost 34 mln people have lost their jobs in Europe, and 212 mln all over the world. 13,4% of the young and 5,2% of the older people were among the unemployed. Social and cultural influences in business are different in all countries. The dominant religion in the world is Christianity 33% of respondents claim they do believe in God, Islam 21%, Atheists 16%, Hinduism 14%. The following picture presents all known religions and their followers in percentage ( out of the whole humanity ): Brewery industry will not find its potential consumers among Muslims, because their religion forbids them to drink any kind of alcohol. Older generation is usually very traditional and therefore sticks to the domestic products, that are proven and are mostly with the tradition. Young people perceive foreign products as unique and attractive, therefore they have positive attitude towards innovation and modernity of the foreign products and services. But in order to get their loyalty and trust brewery companies must consider the cultural and linguistic differences. Moreover, societys wealth influences the possible sale of the product. Western countries, such as France or Germany, unlike Poland, Lithuania or Estonia can afford expensive products, without violating much their budget ( for example German retirees going for a holidays abroad ). Modern technology plays also important role in the production. It helps make products cheaply and with a good quality. Foam of the beer is more stable, and the taste is more adapted to the consumers needs. Moreover, technology can be implemented in order to save the natural environment. Adnams, the British brewery, has invested in such a technology, without influencing negatively the nature and taste of its ecological product East Green. During the brewing process offset minimises CO2 emission to zero. Porters 5 forces This method helps analyse the sector by researching factors that make it attractive for the current and potential investors. There are four entry barriers in the brewery industry: scale of economy, no access to the distribution channel, lack of the capital, differentiation of products, and the state policy. Technology used by the brewery companies and their developed production allow them produce at the lowest unit costs. However, company which decides to enter the market cannot produce at a unit cost that is lower than the market price. Next problem company must challenge is lack of the distribution channels. Market belongs to the brewery corporations, and thus the new competitor has look for the other distributors. More over, it has also to invest in the beer producing technology, for the marketing and promotion, market research, and acquisition of the raw material. Whats more, government policy counters by the social insobriety ( anti alcohol legislation ), therefore alcohol sales are impeded. Last barrier is the product differentiation. Some brands, such as Heineken or Lomza have achieved high positions on the brewery market, and thus the new competition may have problems with gaining trust and loyalty of its target group. Bargaining power of suppliers in the beer market has been strongly influenced by the reduce of the aluminium costs control, and therefore this has led to the increase of the packaging materials costs. In order to avoid being dependent on these materials some breweries started to run recycling programmes. Brewery target group are the beer consumers. They choose whether they want to buy the product or not, and therefore influence sales of the company. Thus breweries care about the quality of their products, packaging, add some gadgets, and consider the way the product is served to the customer. He has a wide range of beers to choose and is given an information about each of them. Therefore he can choose the brand that mostly fits his taste. The functioning of the company depends largely on his beer choice. There are no substitutes for the beer, because there are no substitutes for hop. Brewery industry is very specific, because new products from this area are rarely launched to the market. However, they dont influence the beers consumption. Even non-alcohol beers havent increased its volume sales. Competition within the brewery industry is very active. Success of the brewery companies depend on the good advertisement, economies of scale benefits, costs minimisation and attractive packaging. Leaders on the global beer market are Heineken and Carlsberg. Smaller breweries try to reach their position and claim to have 40% increase in sales, and therefore bigger corporation try to save their position by comparing their successes to the weaker competition. Smaller players on the market increase their shares by selling the low quality products, and thus encourage potential investor to take over the brewery. Breweries try to reach their customers by selling them cheaper products. Customer looking at the low price resigns from the quality. Middle breweries dominate the segments with the low price products. Bigger corporations promote their brands by investing big capital in the marketing and promotion campaigns. Smaller companies cant afford such a big investment, and thus they just en courage and motivate their salesmen to be more effective. SWOT analysis Brewery industry is one of the most developing industries in the world. Its internal ( strengths, weaknesses ) and external ( opportunities, threats ) factors can be audited by using the strategic environment analysis called SWOT analysis. It is presented below: All these factors relate individually to each of the companies operating in the brewery industry. Strengths shown in the table are their resources and capabilities that are used in order to develop their competitive advantage on the market ( Garbarski et al, 2000 ). There will be always a high demand for beer, and developed technology will be the background for the products improvement and making it more attractive for the customers. This creates a relationship between both, product and its consumer. Strengths prevail over the weaknesses, however they strongly influence the market operations of the companies. High advertising costs are a main financial burden for the smaller and medium players. Moreover, because of the low budget they have to deal with the narrow product line, and thus the weak and slow distribution. However, If the industry considers its opportunities that appear during the analysis of the environment, it may observe some growth and generate more profits. Demographic increase and smaller range of age for drinking alcohol help reach a wider range of customers. However, tax increases, changing customers tastes, or anti-alcohol campaigns may threaten actions taken to improve the financial situation within the industry. 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Friday, October 25, 2019
Miles Davis Essay -- essays research papers
The Electric Miles Davis Born in Alton, Illinois, Miles Davis grew up in a middle-class family in East St. Louis. Miles Davis took up the trumpet at the age of 13 and was playing professionally two years later. Some of his first gigs included performances with his high school bandand playing with Eddie Randall and the blue Devils. Miles Davis has said that the greatest musical experience of his life was hearing the Billy Eckstine orchestra when it passed through St. Louis. In September 1944 Davis went to New York to study at Juilliard but spend much more time hanging out on 52nd Street and eventually dropped out of school. He moved from his home in East St. Louis to New York primarily to enter school but also to locate his musical idol, Charlie Parker. He played with Parker live and in recordings from the period of 1945 to 1948. Davis began leading his own group in 1948 as well as working with arranger Gil Evans. Davisââ¬â¢ career was briefly interrupted by a heroin addiction, although he continued to rec ord with other popular bop musicians. 1955 was Miles Davisââ¬â¢ breakthrough year. His performance of "round midnight" at the Newport Jazz Festival alerted the critics that he was "back". Davis form a quintet which included Red Garland, Paul Chambers, Philly Joe Jones, and John Coletrain. In 1957 Davis made the first of many solo recordings with the unusual jazz orchestrations of Gil Evans, and he wrote music for film by Louis Malle. In 1963Davis formed a new quintet including the talents of Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, Tony Williams, and Wayne Shorter. The late 1960s sound Davis playing with a variety of talented musicians. Davis retired during the mid-ââ¬Ë70s due to severe ailments and an automobile accident. He returned in 1980 making new recordings and expensive tours. He received an honorary doctorate of music from the New England Conservatory in 1986 in honor of his long-standing achievements. Davisââ¬â¢ playing Incorporated many styles, from bop to modal fusion. Oftentimes Davis was the victim of negative criticism because of his adopting sometimes unpopular styles of music, but he is most respected for being one of a few jazz musicians who continually took the music to newer and more creative heights. The musical events Miles Davis created during his so-called electric period (1969-1975), are acts of constant exploring in c... ...und producers argue they are sparing us from," says Teo. For a future re-issue, it would be terrific if Columbia restored the entire sets and give us a four CD package. We also need the complete live sets excepted from Live-Evil. These moments are important enough in Milesââ¬â¢ progression and the music of these nights is deserving of reaching the public. And the considerable legions of Miles fanatics are willing to dish out the money. In addition to his playing and nurturing of excellent talent, Miles Davis was quite remarkable in his rare ability to continually evolve. Most jazz musicians generally performed their style early on and spend the rest of their careers refining their sound. In contrast Miles Davis every five years or so would forge ahead, and do to his restless nature he not only played bop but helped found cool jazz, hard bop, modal music, his own unusual brand of the avant-garde and fusion. Jazz history would be much different if Davis had not existed. If Miles Davis had retired in 1960, he would still be famous in jazz history, but he had many accomplishments still to come. In 1991 Miles Davis passed away, he was 65. Jazz lost a man that was more than a god.
Religious Themes of the Sixteenth Century: The Seven Deadly Sins, Death
Religious Themes of the Sixteenth Century: The Seven Deadly Sins, Death, and Damnation Religion in the Sixteenth Century was a major point of contention, especially for Elizabethans. In the midst of the Reformation, England was home to supporters of two major religious doctrines, including the Catholics and the Puritans. Three dominant themes that came out of this debate were sin, death and damnation. Important elements of Christian religions, these themes were often explored in the form of the seven deadly sins and the consequential damnation. The elements of sin pervasive in Thomas Nasheââ¬â¢s The Unfortunate Traveller, Christopher Marloweââ¬â¢s Doctor Faustus, William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Othello, and Edmund Spenserââ¬â¢s Faerie Queen allow for an investigation into the relationship of death and damnation in the sixteenth century. To begin our investigation, we must consider the definition of ââ¬Ësinââ¬â¢ in a sixteenth century context, which would be in the form of the seven deadly sins. These seven sins were called the ââ¬Ëdeadlyââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëcapitalââ¬â¢ sins because they ââ¬Ëmerited damnation and had a fatal effect on an individualââ¬â¢s spiritual health.ââ¬â¢[1] Listed, the seven deadly sins are pride, covetousness, wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth (idleness), and lechery (lust), and they were described and personified in masque scenes in both The Faerie Queene and Doctor Faustus, as well as being embraced by various characters in The Unfortunate Traveller, Othello, and Doctor Faustus. Following the order described in The Faerie Queene, the first sin is idleness, or sloth. Idleness is described as ââ¬Ëthe nourse of sin,ââ¬â¢ the founder and beginning of all sin.[2] Personified as individuals in a procession, Spenser also says ââ¬ËMay seeme the wayne was very evill l... ...ts Jones, Ann Rosalind. ââ¬ËInside the Outsider: Nasheââ¬â¢s The Unfortunate Traveller and Bakhtinââ¬â¢s Polyphonic Novelââ¬â¢, English Literary History (ELH), 50.1 (1983), 61-68. Web. 1 June 2015. Marlowe, Christopher. The Complete Plays. Romany, Frank and Lindsey, Robert. London. 2003. Penguin Books. Oxford English Dictionary Online. Web. 8 June 2015. Relihan, Constance C., ââ¬ËRhetoric, Gender and Audience Construction in Thomas Nasheââ¬â¢s The Unfortunate Traveller,ââ¬â¢ in Relihan (ed.), Framing Elizabethan Fictions (1996). Shakespeare, William. The Riverside Shakespeare. 2nd Edition. Boston. 1997. Houghton Mifflin Company. University of Wisconsin-Madison: The Writing Center-Chicago Turbian Documentation. Web. 8 June 2015.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Educational orientation Essay
According to the journal for American association for counseling and development (2008) and Zweigenhaff and Domhoff (2003) the African Americans value very much education and are ready to make sacrifices to achieve the education qualifications. Though they have that desire and willingness to have a good education background they are faced with a number of challenges that affect their performance in school. According to Rovai et al (2007) African American students as compared to the other students have lower performance standards and this is raising concern because this area has not been given much consideration to determine what could be the actual reasons behind their low grades. Lincoln et al (1990) and Henderson and Sumler (1999) discusses some of the reasons why these students do not perform well as others as to include difficulties to integrate and accept the various people from different cultural backgrounds they encounter in school and where they live. The hip hop culture is also said to contribute to the low grades because more of this students have indulged themselves in weird lifestyles that cannot allow them to have enough time with their studies. As argued in Cross (2005) and Wayne (2005) most of the African American students come from average family background and when they go to school with the white American they are seen by the fellow white students as being inferior which psychologically will affect them in their education as they find that they are discriminated. This creates a gap between them that and limits the way they will associate with the others and their presence in the school is threatened. The other reasons for their low grade as discussed in smiley (2006) include the poverty that they live in that makes them struggle to meet their basic needs and making them lose enough concentration to the education and even at times dropping out of school to try life elsewhere. The other reasons according to Obiakor (2002) and Ashe (2002) leading to low academic performance among the African Americans include the way they select the schools that they go to which might have low standards, having different curriculums that may not cover all the necessary topics and choosing areas of study that they are not competent in and also some of the teaching staff may not be giving them support because they tend to display behavior that show no much concern to their education. How to address the problem. Ogbu (2003) and Wright et al (2001) suggests that the teachers and the schools have a responsibility to encourage and support all the students they have under their care to perform well. He also argues that this will be done by helping the students to change the various negative attitudes they have towards their teachers, other students and the education materials like books. Obiakor et al (2002) suggests that the learning environment needs to be made conducive for all the students so that nobody feels threatened by the other because it will help the students settle in their education. As argued by Allen et al (1998) and Wayne (2005) the parents and guardians are encouraged to give moral support to the students and they should encourage them to develop interest in the religion as it offers psychological support. References A. P. Rovai, Louis B. Gallien, & Helen R. Stiff (2007): Closing the African American achievement gap in higher education. National association for college admission counseling. Retrievedonline http://www. nacacnet. org/PUBLICATIONSRESOURCES/BOOKREVIEWS Alex B. Henderson, Janice Sumler (1999). Freedomââ¬â¢s odyssey Clark Atlanta university press. Allen K, Stelzer, P & Wielkiewicz, M (1998). The ecology of leadership: adapting to challenges of a changing world. The journal of leadership. Bertram D. Ashe (2002). From within the frame. Routledge publishers Charles E. Lincoln, Lawrence H. Mamiya (1990). The black church in the African American experience. Duke university press. Cross T. (2005). The persisting racial gap in college student graduation rates. The journal of higher education. Festus E. Obiakor, Bridgie Alexis ford (2002). Creating successful learning environments for African American learners with exceptionalities. Corwin press Faye Z. Belgrave, KevinW. Allison (2005). African American psychology. Sage publishers. .J. Hale (2001). Learning while black. JHU publishers. Journal of counseling and development by American association for counseling and development vol 79 2008. Ogbu J (2003). Black American students in an affluent suburb: a study of academic disengagement. Lawrence Erlbaum publishers New Jersey. Tavis Smiley (2006): The covenant with black America. Third world press. W. Wayne (2005). African Americans and the color line in Ohio. Ohio university press. R. Zweigenhaft, G. Domhoff (2003). Blacks in the white elite. Rowman and Littlefield. Richard Wright, A. Chapman, Malcolm (2001). Black voices. Signet classic publishers
How to Do One Thing at a Time
Sample practice test prompts for the CATW Sample 1 Assignment:à Begin by reading the passage below. How Your Birth Order Influences Your Life Adjustment The child becomes known as the familyââ¬â¢s only child, oldest child, middle child, or youngest child, depending on his birth order. He is thought and talked about as having that place in the family. Both in his mind and in the minds of other people, an important part of his identity is his family position. The other members of the family assume certain attitudes toward each child in terms of his birth order.Parents usually expect their oldest child to be more capable and more responsible than the younger children. The oldest child comes to think about himself in the same way. These ways of seeing himself, of thinking about himself because of his sibling role, become part of his self-concept. Similarly, the middle child may think of himself as able to do things better than other people because he is usually more capable than his younger siblings. Sometimes, though, he must turn to an older sibling or to his parents for help, and so he thinks of himself as being able to obtain help when he needs it.The youngest child may develop the self-concept that he is less able to do many things than other people. However, he is not concerned because there are always others around to take care of him. In contrast, the only child tends to think, ââ¬Å"When my parents are not around, I have no one to turn to for help. So Iââ¬â¢d better learn to take care of myself as much as possible. â⬠The place in the family establishes for the child a specific role to be played within the family group. It influences him to develop certain attitudes toward himself and toward other people and helps him develop specific patterns of behavior. 290 words) Adapted from an essay by Lucille Forer, ââ¬Å"How Your Birth Order Influences Your Life Adjustmentâ⬠, inà Write to be Read, p. 7. Writing Directions Read the passage abov e and write an essay responding to the ideas it presents. In your essay, be sure to summarize the passage in your own words, stating the authorââ¬â¢s most important ideas. Develop your essay by identifying one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its significance. Support your claims with evidence or examples drawn from what you have read, learned in school, and/or personally experienced.Remember to review your essay and make any changes or corrections that are needed to help your reader follow your thinking. You will have 90 minutes to complete your essay. Sample 2 Assignment:à Begin by reading the passage below. Modern Society and the Quest for Human Happiness Everywhere, by all means imaginable, people are striving to improve their lives. Yet strangely, my impression is that those living in the materially developed countries, for all their industry, are in some ways less satisfied, are less happy, and suffer more than those living in the l east developed countries.Indeed, if we compare the rich with the poor, it often seems that those with nothing are, in fact, the least anxious, though they are plagued with physical pains and suffering. As for the rich, while a few know how to use their wealth intelligently ââ¬â that is to say, not in luxurious living but by sharing it with the needy ââ¬â many do not. They are so caught up with the idea of acquiring still more that they make no room for anything else in their lives. In their absorption with material wealth, they actually lose the dream of happiness, which riches were to have provided.As a result, they are constantly tormented, torn between doubt about what may happen and the hope of getting more, and plagued with mental and emotional suffering ââ¬â even though outwardly they may appear to be leading entirely successful and comfortable lives. This is suggested both by the high degree and by the disturbing prevalence among the populations of the materially developed countries of anxiety, discontent, frustration, and depression. Moreover, the inner suffering is clearly connected with growing confusion as to what constitutes morality and what its foundations are. 242 words) From an essay by the Dalai Lama, ââ¬Å"Modern Society and the Quest for Human Happinessâ⬠inà Write to be Read, p. 170. Writing Directions Read the passage above and write an essay responding to the ideas it presents. In your essay, be sure to summarize the passage in your own words, stating the authorââ¬â¢s most important ideas. Develop your essay by identifying one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its significance. Support your claims with evidence or examples drawn from what you have read, learned in school, and/or personally experienced.Remember to review your essay and make any changes or corrections that are needed to help your reader follow your thinking. You will have 90 minutes to complete your essay. Sample 3 Assignment:à Begin by reading the passage below. The Woman Who Died in the Waiting Room Esmin Green fell out of her chair in the waiting room of Brooklyn's largest psychiatric hospital nearly an hour before anyone realized she was in trouble. For 20 minutes, she writhed and twisted between two chairs under the watchful eye of a security camera whose footage would later be broadcast across the country, spurring a public outcry.Two security guards and two other staff members passed through the room and glanced at the 49-year-old woman, without bothering to check her vital signs or help her up. Nearly 40 minutes after she stopped moving, a nurse walked over and lightly kicked her. By then, she was already dead. The city's medical examiner cited blood clots in her legs as the official cause. As disturbing as the circumstances ofà Esmin Green's death were, they should not have come as a surprise.Public hospitals across the country have struggled to provide acute psychiatric care t o the poor and uninsured since the early 1960s, when large mental hospitals began closing their doors en masse. Rather than lock them away in cold, uncaring institutions, the thinking went, the mentally ill should be offered a place in society. But with insufficient outpatient services and a dearth of community-based support, the least fortunate of them have ended up in already overtaxed emergency rooms. They are the poor, the uninsured and the undocumented.Many of them suffer from chronic conditions that could potentially be treated with medication and regular counseling, luxuries most of them cannot afford. With just 50,000 inpatient psychiatric beds for tens of millions of people across the country, the mentally ill typically wait twice as long for treatment as other patient populations do. ââ¬Å"It's like landing airplanes at JFK airport,â⬠says Ken Duckworth, medical director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. ââ¬Å"There is just no place for them to go. â⬠(306 words) adapted from July 12, 2008 Newsweek article, ââ¬Å"The Woman Who Died in the Waiting Roomâ⬠by Jeneen Interlandià Writing DirectionsRead the passage above and write an essay responding to the ideas it presents. In your essay, be sure to summarize the passage in your own words, stating the authorââ¬â¢s most important ideas. Develop your essay by identifying one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its significance. Support your claims with evidence or examples drawn from what you have read, learned in school, and/or personally experienced. Remember to review your essay and make any changes or corrections that are needed to help your reader follow your thinking. You will have 90 minutes to complete your essay.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Market and sales Essay
Keepââ¬â¢s track of stock coming in the business and also the stock going of the business. When Argos buyââ¬â¢s stuff of another company, it is known as purchases, but this is not all way the case. There can be a time when a supplier has bought some stuff of Argos ltd but after few days, the same person returns some of the stuff. This can also be known as stuff coming in the business. The accountants need to make a transaction to show that a supplier has already bought some stock but decides to return some of the stock back. This makes sure that the new stock doesnââ¬â¢t get mixed with the old stock. When the stock in the business decreases, it is the sales manager responsibility is to keep track of the stockâ⬠¦ He orders more stock to come in the business, when the old stock gets sold out. When retailers or wholesalers buy products off Argos ltd, they are known as Debtors. The sales manager sends an invoice to the supplier, telling them the amount they owe to Argos ltd. If the supplier cannot repay the amount of money supplier owes, than in his account he will be known as Bad Debt because the supplier might has got bank cropped or sales must have dropped down. Market researcher and the marketing director: The marketing researcher collects and identifies the buying habits, lifestyle, and usage, attitudes of actual and potential customers. Primary and secondary research is done in different way. The primary research has not yet been identified by the business. It is the market researcher job to go out and collect that kind of information from consumers. The advantage of market researcher collecting this information is that the firm which initially collects it will be the only organisation to access it. Primary information will be also used to gain marketing advantages over their rivals. This kind of research is known as a field research. The marketing director as a whole or only the marketing director is responsible for the effective promotion of products. Marketing director main aim is to boost the awareness of a brand that has faded from consumers memories or has been introduced in the market. The marketing researcher is responsible for collecting information about consumers, environment, etcâ⬠¦ the information than gets passed on to the marketing director, which analyses how the product is going to be promoted, priced, or even packed to attract consumers to buy the certain type of product. The marketing director has to be aware of how the stuff is being publishing because if the product isnââ¬â¢t successful, the firm can be at a position where the losses on sales can happen. The marketing director will also look at the information collected by the marketing director to take it has a competitive advantage on a any cases. By considering the marketing mix of the products, the firm can be a position to fulfil their marketing objectives. This may include the business raise the Argos ltd sales or the operating profit margin. Effective promotion gets under way all the time to keep customers interested in Argos ltd products. Flyers are published on special events through out the year, such as Valentines Day, motherââ¬â¢s day, and Easter. Point-of-sale and internet sites are also used to let shoppers know what is happening at Argos. Not long ago, the launch of the new Argos advertising promotion, starring Julia Sawalha and Richard E Grant, increased the awareness of new Argos catalogue. It also increased its purchasing rate and improved awareness of the Argos brands. The combination of stores, catalogues, websites and home delivery options makes possible for the customers to choose the shopping experience that suits their particular lifestyle. The marketing director said that ââ¬Å"Argos is one of Britainââ¬â¢s best kept secrets and this advertising is going to engage a whole new audience with the brandâ⬠.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Diversity: Culture and Physical Qualities Essay
1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? Diversity is the condition of being different. For example: culture, race, education, religion, experiences, gender, physical qualities, sexual orientation, etc. Diversity is valued because it enriches us with its multiplicity of opinion and ecperience. Nobody is completely the same, our differences and diversities can lead to growth in our society in a positive or negative way. 2. What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society? Ethnocentrism is the belief in the superiority of oneââ¬â¢s own ethnic group, the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of oneââ¬â¢s own culture. Ethnocentrism puts down a certain group or culture, it leads us to make false assumptions about cultural differences and it often distorts communication between human beings. 3. Define emigration and immigration. Emigration- an act or instance of migrating. A body of emigrants; emigrants collectively. Immigration- A group or number of immigrants. -phone app dictionary 4. What are some of the ways groups of people are identified? Some ways thats groups of people can be identified are by ethic, cultural, religion, sexual orientation, race, gender, morals, physical qualities, work ethics, education, experiences. -class discussions 5. Why do people label and group other people? People label and group other people in order to give then a distinct identity in the society. The reason could also be because people who have little confience so they try to put other people in a lower class then themselves. 6. Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain. Culture- The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is reguarded as excellence in arts, letters, manners, etc. Also the behaviors and beliefs of characteristics of a particular social, ethic, or age group. No. It is a multi-layered property of our societies. Culture is not limited to racial and ethic backgrounds as many people from other cultures are also influenced by the many groups of people that make up the country. -dictionary phone app
Private School Headmasters Compensation
Private School Headmasters' Compensation Education professionals often earn significantly less than what they could earn in the business world or in other professions. However, there isà a group of leaders of private schools who are actually seeing surges in their salaries that pack quite the financial punch: the Head of School. What are these leaders really making and is it justified? The Head of School's Job Compensation Averages A head-of-school is a job that comes with enormous responsibility. At private schools, these high powered individuals have to run not only a school but also a business. Many people dont like to think of schools as businesses, but the truth is, they are. A Head of School will actually oversee a multi-million dollar business, some schools are billion dollar businesses when you consider endowments and operating budgets, and they are responsible for the well-being of hundreds of children every day. Boarding schools add another level of responsibility when it comes to leadership and oversight of children, as they are essentially open 24/7. The head is involved in not only the aspects of academics and ensuring students receive quality educations, but also hiring and HR, fundraising, marketing, budgeting, investing, crisis management, recruiting, and enrollment. The person who sits in this role must be a part of every aspect of the school.à When you consider the enormous expectations made of these dedicated individuals, most head of schools compensation is far below comparable levels in other fields. How far below? Significantly. The average compensation of the top 500 CEOs is in the millions according to Executive Paywatch. According to NAIS, the average compensation for a head of school is about $201,000, with boarding school heads edging out their peers with about $238,000. However, some schools also have presidents, which at the day school level are making comparable salaries, but are making an average of $330,000 at boarding schools.à But, thats not to say that Heads of Schools are hurting. An interesting note is that many private school heads also tend to receive extensive benefits, such as free housing and meals (even some day schools offer this), school vehicles, housekeeping services, country club memberships, discretionary funds, strong retirement benefits, and even expensive buyout packages should the school not be thrilled with his or her performance. This can easily equate to another $50,000-$200,000 in benefits, depending on the school.à Comparison to Public School College Compensation While many claim heads-of-schools make less than their corporate counterparts, the truth is that many actuallyà earn more than someà public school superintendents. The average salary without benefits for a superintendent is about $150,000 nationally. But some states, like New York, have superintendent salaries exceeding $400,000. In general, the salaries at Urban Schools tend to be greater for superintendents. Now, college presidents, by contrast, make significantly more than private school headmasters. Reports vary from source to source some claiming presidents average about $428,000, while others show the average is more than $525,000 annually with many earning well over $1,000,000 in annual compensation. The top 20 highest-paid presidents all earned over a million dollars annually, even in 2014.à Why Do Head-of-School salaries vary so much? Location significantly affects the salaries of these top-level positions, as does the school environment. Heads of schools, historically referred to as headmasters when the positions were held primarily by men, at junior schools (middle schools and elementary schools) tend to make significantly less than their secondary school counterparts, and boarding school heads tend to make the most due to a large amount of responsibility the school has in providing an appropriate homelife for students from around the world. Schools in small towns tend to offer smaller salaries, although many New England private schools buck that trend, with schools that are centuries old in small towns offering some of the top salaries in the country. A couple of years ago, the Boston Globe came out with a story about the surge of salaries in New England, uncovering several heads with salaries ranging from $450,000 to over a million dollars. Fast forward to 2017, and those heads are making even more, with increases equating to 25% raises in only a few years. School financials also play a role in head-of-school compensation. Naturally, those institutions with higher endowments and annual funds also tend to pay their leaders higher salaries. However, tuition doesnt always indicate the level of a head-of-schools salary. While some schools with high tuitions will indeed offer some of the most competitive compensation packages, those are usually schools that dont rely on tuition to cover the bulk of the operating budget. In general, the more tuition-driven a school in annually, the less likely it is that their head of school will be pulling the biggest dollars.à Compensation Information Sources The Form 990, which non-profit schools file annually, is similar to a tax return. It contains information about headmasters compensation, as well as other high paid employees. Unfortunately, to make sense of figures you have to examine several different pages of the filing. The elements of the compensation packages are complex and are contained under many different expense headings. If the school is a 501(c)(3) not for profit educational institution, it must file a Form 990 with the IRS annually. The Foundation Center and Guidestar are two sites that make these returns available online. Note: the cash salaries are somewhat misleading as most of these key employees receive significant allowances for housing, meals, transportation, travel, and retirement plans apart from their cash salaries. Figure an additional 15-30% for allowances and/or non-cash compensation. The gross amount in many cases exceeds $500,000, with some exceeding $1,000,000 with other compensation factored in. A sampling of head-of-schoolà and president base salaries ranked from highest to lowest, based on Form 990 submissions from 2014, unless otherwise noted: Episcopal High School, Alexandria, VA $605,610 with $114,487 in est. other compensationMilton Academy, Milton, MA $587,112 with $94,840 in est. other compensationPhillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH -à $551,143 with $299,463 in est. other compensationPhillips Academy, Andover, MA - $489,000 was reported in 2013, with no head of school compensation listed in 2014Choate Rosemary Hall,à Wallingford, CT $486,215 with $192,907 in est. other compensationHarvardà Westlake School, Studio City, CA - President $483,731 with $107,105 in est. other*Rye Country Day School, Rye, NY - $460,267 (down from $696,891 in 2013)Hackley School, Tarrytown, NY - $456,084 salary and $328,644 in est. other compensationDeerfield Academy, Deerfield, MA - $434,242 with $180,335 in est. other compensationWestern Reserve Academy, Hudson, OH - $322,484 with $128,589 in est. other compensationHarvardà Westlake School, Studio City, CA - Headà $320,540 with $112,395 in est. other*à *Figures from the 2015 Form 990 Some older 990 forms have revealed the following headmaster salaries, from highest to lowest. Well continue to update this information as we obtain it.à Greensboro Day School, Greensboro, NC $304,158The Brearley School, New York, NY $300,000Lancaster Country Day School, Lancaster, PA $299,240Poly Prep Country Day School, Brooklyn, NY $298,656Georgetown Day School, Washington, DC $296,202Culver Academies, Culver, IN $295,000St. Marks School of Texas, Dallas, TX $290,000Hathaway Brown School, Shaker Heights, OH $287,113Madeira School, Maclean, VA $286,847The Dalton Schools, New York, NY $285,000Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, CT $283,920Punahou School, Honolulu, HI $274,967Far Hills Country Day School, Far Hills, NJ $274,300Groton School, Groton, MA $258,243North Shore Country Day School, Winnetka, IL $250,000Avon Old Farms School, Avon, CT $247,743The Peddie School, Hightstown, NJ $242,314Kent School, Kent, CT $240,000Episcopal Academy, Merion, PA $232,743Cranbrook Schools, Bloomfield Hills, MI $226,600University School of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI $224,400McCallie School, Chattanooga, TN $223,660Middlesex School, Concord, MA $223,000Sidw ell Friends School, Washington, DC $220,189 Ransom Everglades School, Miami, FL $220,000The Masters School, Dobbs Ferry, NY $216,028Greenwich Country Day School, Greenwich, CT $210,512Harvey School, Katonah, NY $200,000The Hill School, Pottstown, PA $216,100Taft School, Watertown, CT $216,000Shore Country Day School, Beverly, MA $206,250Miami Country Day School, Miami, FL $200,000Village School, Pacific Palisades, CA $210,000Lake Forest Country Day School, Lake Forest, IL $188,677Hillel School of Metropolitan Detroit, Farmington Hills, MI $156,866Annie Wright School, Tacoma, WA $151,410Foxcroft School, Middleburg, VA $150,000Ravenscroft School, Raleigh, NC $143,700Forman School, Litchfield, CT $142,500 Are Headmasters' Compensation Packages Justifiable? A good headmaster deserves to be well-paid. The head of a private school must be a top-notch fundraiser, a superb public relations person, a fine administrator and a dynamic community leader. How lucky we are to have talented educators and administrators who lead private schools rather than manage a Fortune 100 enterprise. Many of them could make 5 or 10 or even 20 times as much as they currently do. Trustees need to review their key employees compensation packages annually and improve them as much as they can. Its extremely important to attract and retain talented administrators in our private schools. Our childrens future depends on it. Resources:Pay Soars For Headmasters at Mass. Prep SchoolsHeadmasters Salaries On The Rise
Free Essays on 401k
One of the most overlooked parts of growing older would be planning for the future, including retirement. Younger people take this situation lightly as it seems so far off into the future for them, thus it is an area that is subject to procrastination. I myself have had two jobs at different guitar shops, where I paid into their respective retirement plans. However, to date I have no clue what happened to my contributed funds, as I no longer have employment with those companies. People are expected to have longer life expectancies now more than ever before, this is another reason why young adults and teenagers are not worried about saving for their retirement. The seventy-seven million people that were born between 1943 and 1960, also known as the baby boomer generation face an entirely different situation all together. As they age and began to retire, these people are starting to think that there will be no money left for them and this will turn into a huge crisis of overwhelming proportion. What will happen when the seventy-seven million baby boomers start to want or need the money they paid in throughout their long and hard working careers and there is no money left for them? ââ¬Å"From a CNN/POLL: Financial Condition of Social Security Crisis 31% Problems, not a crisis 55% No problem 10% Asked of all Americans Will Social Security go bankrupt before you retire? Yes 54% No 42% Asked of Americans under age of 65 if Social Security did not exist, could you save enough to retire? Yes 44% No 52% Asked of Americans under age of 65 who should control Social Security Investments? Individuals 80% Government 14% asked of all Americansâ⬠( There are some retirement provisions available to the masses, such as Social Security and 401(k) plans that are there to help when deciding how to properly save your hard earned cash. Social Security began more than seventy years ago, in the... Free Essays on 401k Free Essays on 401k One of the most overlooked parts of growing older would be planning for the future, including retirement. Younger people take this situation lightly as it seems so far off into the future for them, thus it is an area that is subject to procrastination. I myself have had two jobs at different guitar shops, where I paid into their respective retirement plans. However, to date I have no clue what happened to my contributed funds, as I no longer have employment with those companies. People are expected to have longer life expectancies now more than ever before, this is another reason why young adults and teenagers are not worried about saving for their retirement. The seventy-seven million people that were born between 1943 and 1960, also known as the baby boomer generation face an entirely different situation all together. As they age and began to retire, these people are starting to think that there will be no money left for them and this will turn into a huge crisis of overwhelming proportion. What will happen when the seventy-seven million baby boomers start to want or need the money they paid in throughout their long and hard working careers and there is no money left for them? ââ¬Å"From a CNN/POLL: Financial Condition of Social Security Crisis 31% Problems, not a crisis 55% No problem 10% Asked of all Americans Will Social Security go bankrupt before you retire? Yes 54% No 42% Asked of Americans under age of 65 if Social Security did not exist, could you save enough to retire? Yes 44% No 52% Asked of Americans under age of 65 who should control Social Security Investments? Individuals 80% Government 14% asked of all Americansâ⬠( There are some retirement provisions available to the masses, such as Social Security and 401(k) plans that are there to help when deciding how to properly save your hard earned cash. Social Security began more than seventy years ago, in the...
Monday, October 21, 2019
18 Ways for Kids to Practice Spelling Words
18 Ways for Kids to Practice Spelling Words Each week your child is likely to come home with a spelling word list in which they will have a test at the end of the week. Itââ¬â¢s their job to study and learn the words, but simply looking at them isnââ¬â¢t going to do the trick. They will need some tools to help them remember the words. Here are 18 creative and interactive ways to practice spelling words. Make a Spelling Word Origami Fortune Teller These are also known as Cootie Catchers. Itââ¬â¢s easy enough to create spelling word Cootie Catchers and having your child spell the word out loud is very helpful for auditory learners. Make and Use a ââ¬Å"Word Catcher These modified fly-swatters can be a lot of fun to use. Give your child a copy of their spelling words and you might be surprised to see how enthusiastic they are to start swatting the words in all the books, magazines, posters, and papers in the house. Magnetic Letters, Alphabet Blocks, or Scrabble Pieces Just as saying the words out loud can help an auditory learner, literally building the words can be helpful for more visual learners. Just keep in mind you might need more than one set of magnetic letters to spell all the words. Create Your Own Crossword Puzzle Luckily there are free online tools like Discovery Educations puzzlemaker program to help you make puzzles. All you have to do is type in the word list. Use Sensory Play Some kids learn better when all their senses are involved. Doing things like spraying shaving cream on the table and letting your child trace their words in it or having them write them with a stick in the dirt can help cement the words in their memory. Play Spelling Word Memory There are a couple of ways to do this. You can make two sets of flashcards with the spelling words- itââ¬â¢s a good idea to write each set in a different color- or you can make one set with the words and one with the definition. After that, itââ¬â¢s played just like any other Memory game. Trace the Words in Rainbow Colors This is a variation on the old ââ¬Å"write your words ten timesâ⬠homework. Your child can trace each word over and over to remember the order of the letters for each word. In the end, though, itââ¬â¢s a lot prettier than a simple word list. Let Your Child Text the Words to You This way to practice spelling words depends, of course, on whether your child has a cell phone and what the plan includes. With unlimited texting, though, itââ¬â¢s easy enough for you to receive the text, correct the spelling if necessary, and send back an emoticon. Use Sandpaper Letters to Make Spelling Word Rubbings Though it requires a little prep work, this is a fun way to practice the words. Once you have a set of sandpaper letter stencils, your child can arrange each word, place a piece of paper over it, and make a rubbing with pencil or crayons. Make Word Searches This, too, is an activity that is easy enough with online resources. is a fantastic site that allows you to make word searches and create other activities for your child. Play Hangman Hangman is a great go-to game when it comes to spelling words. If you have your child use a copy of their spelling list, it will be easier for them to narrow down which word youââ¬â¢re using. Remember, you can always use the definition as a clue! Make up a Spelling Word Song It may sound silly, but thereââ¬â¢s a definite connection between music and literacy. If you and your child are creative, you can create your own silly tune. For the less musically-inclined, try setting the words to the tune of ââ¬Å"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Starâ⬠or another nursery rhyme song. Play the ââ¬Å"Add-A-Letterâ⬠Game This game is a fun way to interact with your child. One of you starts writing the spelling word on the paper by writing one letter. The next one adds the next letter. Since many word lists include words that start with the same sounds, it may be challenging to know which word your game partner started writing. Write a Story Using Each Spelling Word Many teachers ask students to do this with their spelling words for homework, but you can add a twist by giving your child a topic to write or tell a story about. For example, challenge her to write a story about zombies using all their words. Highlight the Words in the Newspaper Give your child a highlighter and a pile of newspapers and time them to see how long it takes for them to find and highlight all the words on their list. Play a ââ¬Å"What Letter Is Missing?â⬠Game Slightly different than Hangman and similar to the Add-a-Letter game, this game is played by writing or typing the words, but leaving a blank space of two for key letters. Your child will have to put in the correct letters. This works particularly well to practice the vowel sounds. Act Them Out Essentially this is playing the game Charades with your childââ¬â¢s spelling words. You can do it a couple of ways- give your child a list of the words and have them guess which one you are acting out or put all the words in a bowl, have them choose one and ask them to act it out. Put Them in ABC Order While alphabetizing the list wonââ¬â¢t necessarily help your child learn to spell each individual word, it will help them recognize the words and, for some children, just moving the strips (on which each word is written) around can help them keep the word in their visual memory.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Term Paper on Leadership
Term Paper on Leadership Leadership is a very common term in our daily and business use.à Students of colleges and universities also use this term in their academic and social perspectives. No one is unaware of this internationally recognized term and its impact over our general lives. Students are often confused in different philosophies of leadership and they forget the real sense of leadership to apply in their personal lives. Similar obstacle comes on their way when they need to write a term paper on leadership. Term paper on leadership is often demanded by their professors and supervisors in different semesters. While writing a term paper on leadership, students may look around for leadership term paper help from different sources. Other than getting help from external sources, students can do a leadership term paper at their own. Leadership term paper can be done only through extensive research and after consulting several books and websites. To write a term paper on leadership, students require guidance on different leadership topics.à They need some guidance for writing term paper on leadership.à You can always buy custom term paper on leadership at our custom term paper writing service.à We have great experienced writers who are trained in writing a term paper on leadership.à We can do a term paper on leadership in the shortest time possible.à We have a huge support staff that remains online at all times when you are placing an order for term paper on leadership.à Leadership term paper help of all kinds is provided at our company, and you can post an order for any kind of term paper on leadership you want. Custom written term papers on leadership are provided to students at very reasonable prices at, and revisions are done in the term paper on leadership whenever you require.à We have millions of customers who have their term paper on leadership done through us.à We allow the customer to provide as many guidelines as he wants.à When you place an order for term paper on leadership, you can tell us what kind of term paper on leadership you want, and by what time you want that term paper done.à All writers at are trained to fulfill pressing deadlines and that too without compromising on quality. A large percentage of customers at are students.à We guarantee our student customers full marks or the best grades in their term paper on leadership.à We provide full refund facility if it is found that our writers did not fulfill the customerââ¬â¢s requirements.à We have a number of customers who have always had their term paper on leadership done through us, and still do.à Yvonne Chesterfield from Canada has been working with us for years.à I have never felt this much comfortable with any other company.à I have always had my term paper on leadership done through, and I have always got best grades in class.à All I have to do is place an order with at their website, and then rest assured that my term paper on leadership is in safe hands, says Yvonne. We have always been a favorite among students and teachers alike.à We have thousands of customers who have their term paper on leadership written with our custom term paper writing service.à We have never been accused of providing plagiarized material to our customers, and this is the reason is the most credible and favorite website company in the whole term paper on leadership writing scenario.
4 Easiest Ways to Get the Best College Experience
4 Easiest Ways to Get the Best College Experience Making the best out of college experience is a worthy goal indeed. When you are young, ambitious, full of energy and plans, you should understand that there is a whole bunch of stuff ahead! One warning, though: If you go for suggested activities, but wonââ¬â¢t feel any joy or engagement, stop immediately! The time you spend in college is the highlight of your youth. Make sure you enjoy it. #1. Take Good Care of Your Health Set Up a Brand New Routine Once you get out of the parentsââ¬â¢ house, you might want to experiment with your daily routine and make it better. Try: starting your day earlier or doing more exercise; make different breakfast every day; complete the most important task of the day while your mind is clear. Find out what works best for you throughout the day. Consider Various Diets No limits to your fantasy here. Want to go vegetarian, the whole plant-based or try cooking Chinese cuisine? Nothing can hold you back from experimenting, but for the health actually. Try to find a perfect balance between tasty and healthy food. Look For a Sport to Enjoy If you are not fond of exercising it most probably means you havenââ¬â¢t found your perfect sport yet. Try everything that is accessible on campus and outside of it. Yoga, baseball, jogging, swimming, power walking, etc. Thousands of variants await you out there. You will definitely find one to enjoy. Find the Best Way to Relax College life is full of stress, rush, and challenges. No matter how good you are at solving everyday issues, relaxation would be needed to maintain strength, and keep both mental and physical health. Find an activity that would serve you as a recovery from a stressful week. It might be anything, like a long walk in a park, fishing, meditation, etc. #2. Investà Time in Your Personal Development Take Classes that Seem to Be Interesting Even if that interesting class is not related to your major, you might want to follow your hunch. There is always a chance you suddenly come across your true passion, change your major, and thus your whole professional life in the future. Sure, an interesting class might also be far from bringing such tremendous changes to your life. But if the experience appeared to be amazing and entertaining, would you ever regret having it? Go Studying Abroad Among all the college experiences, this one definitely hits the top. Nobody ever regreted studying abroad, even if for one semester only. The coolest opportunity of your life, make sure you use it. Value Skills Over Knowledge Once you are out of college, it is skills you would be judged by, not the number of books you have read. You speak several languages? Cool! Learn how to translate, or go practicing simultaneous interpretation. You are into writing? Wonderful! Learn copywriting and SEO basics. Good at drawing? Nice! There are 3D modeling, web design and animation waiting. Learn how to apply your knowledge in practice, it is the best investment in your future. #3. Socialization is a Secret of the Best College Experience Create a Prospective Network The most empowering thing that can happen in college is meeting people. Not only because they might be thrilling or become your dearest friends, which is cool. College also is the highest time to create strong interpersonal connections, that would benefit your future professional life. Meet students from different majors, courses, and of various interests. Thus, you wonââ¬â¢t only broaden your friendsââ¬â¢ circle, but gain valuable knowledge, widen your horizons, and, probably, set an excellent ground for future professional relationships. Check Out Your Campus Activities There are tons of those organized each year, and they are pretty easy to track. Just find a special campus activity board, a specific section of a college website or a social media group. Those are good for several reasons, like spending quality time while being engaged in the useful and fascinating activity. Still, on top of it, campus activities are a great chance to socialize with peers, who happen to share your interests. Visit Local Community Events Going through college doesnââ¬â¢t mean everything you do should be related to studies and your major. Local community events can break the routine and bring color to your life. Also, meeting local people can widen your worldview and bring more clarity to the essential aspects of your adult life. Here, you might learn about the real job chances you have after college, witness success stories of others or just come across an excellent idea for a future local startup you might want to implement. #4. Get Ready for Your Career Path Start Offà Planning a Career With Volunteering Skills beat theoretical knowledge in real life. Thus, if you are worried about getting a prospective career one day, you most probably want to start gaining skills as soon as possible. If you are a first-year student, finding a suitable part-time job might be tough. Start off with volunteering. It might be a local occupation on weekends or a long-term volunteering project during summer holidays. Still having doubts whether you need volunteering? Check out this blog post on benefits of volunteering that will surptise you. Find a Befitting Internship Going through an internship that corresponds either to your major or your deepest interests, would incredibly boost your job chances after graduation. Moreover, a good internship will show you the organization of a corporate or business world, and though from the inside. It would teach you indispensable professional skills and demonstrate a piece of real life you are about to have. Isnââ¬â¢t it the best way to verify the choice youââ¬â¢ve made? Heres a useful source to help you get the internship you want and deserve. Take a Part-time Job Do not rush with this one, though. Take your time, and go for a job that would correspond to the career choice youââ¬â¢ve made. Do not jump into just any job offer, but select wisely. Here the guide to help you choose a perfect part-time job for you. A part-time job should become a place where you gain your professional experience and fundamental skills. It should be something you would want to put in your CV after graduation. Get to Know Your Professors and Stay in Touch With Them Go to classes and visit your professors during the office hours. Usually, your tutors are great professionals in the field you study and can share valuable knowledge with you. Also, those connections always become of most significance when you need a recommendation letter or a piece of advice about the career choice. Even if it happens that you wonââ¬â¢t need their help, there is never too much intelligent people in life. Heres some tips on how to make connections with college professors. Bottom Line Everything stated above can actually be narrowed down to one major thought: If you want to make most out of your college time, you need to try as many activities as possible. That is how you will come across something intriguing and worthy, that is how you discover your passion. Do not be afraid of trying something new. In contrary, make yourself grab everything that is new, scary or insane. Youth is the best time for gaining all possible types of experiences. Enjoy!
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