Friday, October 18, 2019

Devil Wears Prada case study (Leadership) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Devil Wears Prada case study (Leadership) - Essay Example She has a team of employees under her including a senior and a junior assistant and has authority to hire or even fire. This power is only as a result of the leadership position and could have been lost if Jacqueline had taken over her position as Nigel revealed to Andy when they spent the night together in Paris at the fashion show event. Andy is simply a junior assistant to Miranda and acts according to how Miranda wants as well as fulfilling all the chores dictated by her as well as by Emily who is the senior personal assistant. Her position demands being respectful and an individual who can be trusted and relied upon. Her power is therefore personal and specifically known as referent power (Fairholm 25). Her ability to handle situations is not only proven when she delivers the â€Å"book† but when she got the advance copies of the Harry Porter Novel for Miranda’s children and even had them delivered to where they were. Miranda’s holding of both powers in the 2006 film and trying to juggle both and succeed in them has benefitted her career but negatively affected her family. She is too busy with both powers to be able to juggle family life as well. The argument Andy overhears between Miranda and her husband when she went to deliver the â€Å"book† as well as the confession of a pending divorce by Miranda to Andy is an indication that all is not well and all because of the power base. Andy’s power has benefitted her as her trust from Miranda due to her work and diligence has made her land a job in The New York Mirror magazine. This is her dream job as she wanted to work in a newspaper or magazine as a reporter or writer and this has finally happened all because of her power base. Her relationship with her boyfriend Nate seems to have suffered when she cheats on him and he gets his dream job in Boston as a sous chef. Nigel seems to be the stirring all the problems for Miranda advocating for her to be eliminated and Jacqueline to

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