Wednesday, October 16, 2019

FACE reports Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

FACE reports - Research Paper Example Since the tractor was running, the beaters, three in number, and obtaining energy from the tractor engine, were also rotating (MN FACE). During the process, the farmer got entwined in the machinery, getting pulled into the rotating beaters (MN FACE). As a result, the tractor stopped (MN FACE). He was found forty five minutes later by his son, who immediately called the 911 service, and the farmer was thence taken to a nearby hospital (MN FACE). However, he was pronounced dead on arrival by the doctor (MN FACE). Counter measures: In the wake of the incidence, the FACE team working in Minnesota drafted certain guidelines that were to be followed by farmers and workers while operating heavy machinery (MN FACE). These counter measures included three points (MN FACE): the tractor should be completely switched off and the key removed before getting off the tractor and working on the machinery (MN FACE); the power-take-off mechanism of the machine should be disengaged from the tractor before getting off the tractor and working on the machine (MN FACE); and the outfit of the workers should not be loose or otherwise risky, so that the danger of the workers getting entangled in the machine is reduced (MN

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