Saturday, May 11, 2019

Information securtiy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

tuition securtiy - search ExampleSome lines have dedicated to explain the ISO/IEC 177992005 standard of information security policy. The second disjoint of the report deals with a field-specific discussion. In this part, information security in the field of computers and internet has been explained. Threats posed to the nice information stored on computers have been discussed along with procedures for their determent. Some laws and Acts have been explained that ensure the information security in the new technological world.Information security is generally defined as the protection of information from a wide variety of threats, such as, getting accessed by unauthorized persons, disclosed, sold or destroyed, without the consent of the possessor of the information. Thus, the primary objectives of information security are to ensure the privacy, reliability and accessibility of information.Information security is adequate one of the most important concerns in almost every professio n and every field of life. Information security is a business issue, not just a technology issue (Symantec Corporation 2009). exquisite information about the consumers and employees, finances, inventories, payments, research work, is being maintained by governments, organizations, companies, banks, armed forces, healthcare sectors, so on and so forth. This corporate information is the most crucial asset of a company and is at stakes if proper measures are not taken to deter the security attacks. The information may have been stored in any form. For example, it may be in printed form stored in files and documents saved on the computers hard disks shown on video tapes and, transmitted by post, email or any other physical or electronic means. Breaches in information security can result in great losses and damages to the boilersuit business and may lead to business discontinuity, high risks and low output. Most of

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