Thursday, October 17, 2019

Donella Meadows et al. The Limits to Growth Assignment

Donella Meadows et al. The Limits to Growth - Assignment Example Meadows et al. (1972) appear to be in logical congruence with the authors of the text as they agree that these problems are difficult to control and to deal with them exhaustively might take the next one hundred years. The authors also make an interesting proposition as they seek to depict the space-time continuum and its relationship with perspectives created in dealing with the aforementioned global issues. In what the text refers to as the â€Å"human perspectives†, the authors are focused on defining a relationship between personal and family level problems that people seek to address and global problems. As the text puts it, every person needs to focus on finding solutions to his short-term problems, such as looking for food for his family (Meadows et al. 18). At the same time, it is important to focus on the long-term problems that affect us all as humans, such as the possibility of wars and global demand for agricultural products, not to mention how they may affect the short-term efforts, something only a few people do. An important assertion that is presented in the text relating to these issues is that every man has different standpoints regarding time and space, which is the result of differences in culture and past experiences as well as the urgency with which a problem needs to be addressed. However, it appears unfortunate that not many people realize the urgency with which global issues, such as overexploitation of nonrenewable resources, a highly industrialized world, and its impacts on the natural environment, should be addressed (Meadows et al 21). For many people, the higher the urgency of the problem, the more the people that seek to deal with, leaving some of these global problems to just a few individuals who focus on finding a solution to them. The text then suggests a model that is aimed at dealing

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