Thursday, October 17, 2019

Information Systems Basics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Information Systems Basics - Essay Example et of interrelated components that collect, manipulate, store, and disseminate data and information and provide a feedback mechanism to meet an objective.† (Stair and Reynolds, 2011). That is, using IS, organizations and its employees can store as well as analyze the organizational data for the key purpose of organizational functioning as well as critical management decisions. As mentioned above, as part of IS, various departments of the organization will use number of IT related products from computers, servers, internet, softwares and so on, to carry out the organizational tasks. â€Å"Today, information systems are used for business processes from communication to order processing to number crunching and in business functions ranging from marketing to human resources.† (Stair and Reynolds, 2011). Globalization is a phenomenon that has changed the world in various aspects, from cultural aspects to business aspects. Speaking of business aspects, globalization has broken down the invisible barriers between the countries and by â€Å"riding† on technology has and is still creating business opportunities for organizations. That is, due to globalization and the resultant immense opportunities, organizations are entering newer countries or markets in a more optimum manner. While entering and after entering, these organizations maximally utilize Information Systems (IS) for virtually managing the organization. (IS (information system or information services), n. d). From emails to video conferencing, cloud computing and so on, organizations are maximally utilizing IS. In addition, organizations depend on internet and web to carry out various processes. All these incorporation of IS into organizational functioning due to globalization and the resultant entry into newer markets has been transforming the traditional businesses into digital businesses. â€Å"Organizations are trying to become more competitive and efficient by digitally enabling their core business processes

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